I survived my first valet parking experience with my new baby. I was reassured by the poor parking guy that he was familiar with the car and yes I had to give him my fob. I also had my best mpg experience going out there...58mpg for the trip. My Uncle didn't believe me...said the car computer was lying. I just wanted to share this with people who would understand. What can I say, I've never felt this way about a car before...am I crazy?
In a way the computer is kind of lying to you. Most posters on here have noted a 5% error on the positive side. But you probably still got 54-55 mpg. When you get a chance, compute you mileage to see for sure. Peter
For my first two tanks, the prius was about 2mpg too generous, but my third tank actually returned about 2mpg better than the computer was reading, so I guess it can go both ways.
Hey, it means I drive alright for a new Prius owner. Even if the actual number is more like 53. I still don't think my Uncle will believe that!
After reading stories on this forum about cars not getting turned off by parking attendants, I was apprehensive about using valet parking at 2 different hotels I stayed at, just last week. I didn't want to offend the valets by asking if they were familiar with the car (after all, they probably have had a chance to handle the previous Gen 2 in the years it's been in existence). As a middle ground, I just turned off the car and figured that if they had to figure out how to turn it on they should be able to then turn it off. Everything worked out.