Bought 2010 Prius II exactly a week ago. Today we found out that the cell phone was not charging. Tried 3 different charges/phones on the 2 outlets and none of them seem to work! Double checked that all of these work on my other vehicle. No other devices were ever plugged in other than the cell phone chargers. Not too sure how to reach the front panel fuse box.
I would just take it over to the dealer. Probably a quick fix and should be covered under warranty. I blew a fuse once in my Corolla. I had a bad charger. Be sure to inspect the charger.
If you want to avoid a trip to the dealer, the owners manual shows the location and fuse functions of the 2 fuse panels (1 in engine compartment, and 1 under driver's side of dash).
See Owner's Manual, p. 454-463 for fuse information. There are two fuse panels, one on the left side of the engine compartment, one on the left side of the instrument panel, below and left of the steering wheel. The power outlet fuse is #1 in the instrument panel. From the drawing, this appears to be in the upper right corner of this group, though I haven't personally checked.
Even if the problem is a blown fuse you wouldn't necessarily avoid a trip to the dealer by simply replacing it. The purpose of a fuse is to blow out when electrical current flow is approaching a dangerous level - protecting electronics downstream. If your fuse blew out, you should figure out WHY it blew out and fix the source of the problem.
Two observations. I'm not in any way thinking you're dense, but I've had calls like this before about the power plugs. 1. Make sure the ends are shoved in there good to the car - tight and turn them gently 1/4th a turn after they are shoved in. 2. The Toyotas do not trickle charge. If the car is off, so's the charger plug. I have had more folks surprised by this... and turn the car on and there it goes so I am just reminding you that if the car is off, so's the plug power. If the chargers are still a problem and the above items are things you already know and have done, then you have what may likely be a fuse issue. If you have a single plug into the single charger, then it's easily fixed. If you are using a "double" and trying to charge two item in 1 plug with a two-headed splicer thing like you can get at radio shack, don't do that. That will blow fuses too, I have found. Di
I have tested with 3 cell phone chargers on the 2 outlets. None of them is working. I did not want to open the fuse box on only the 8th day of ownership. Dealer is only 3 miles away. Let us see what they say. I am pretty cheap when it comes to cell phone chargers and usually use the $4-$5 stuff from EBay. May be Prius is too sophisticated to 'pair with' the $4 variety. Anyway, I just ordered the $20 OEM phone charger.
I've been thinking about this and I am not convinced that it is a fuse. When my fuse blew in my Corolla it took out the radio as well. I am not sure how the fuses are set up in the Prius, but I would think more would be out than the chargers if the fuse was blown. Are the chargers plugging in easily? I remember when I first had the Corolla it took a lot to get the charger into the socket.
We also haven't confirmed if the car is in accessory or ready mode when the OP tests the outlets, like Dianne explained above.
I must say that my experience has been quite the opposite. I've blown my share of fuses for the cigarette lighter port by hooking several things up to it at once. My laptop is the one that typically pops it though. Of all the rental cars I've been in (different makes and models), I've never seen anything else connected to the power port fuse. I don't doubt that your car was setup differently if you say it was. However, I would say it isn't the norm.
I have also blown both fuses (one for each the lower and compartment power plug), and each time it have blown with an inverter that I use (almost daily) to power a laptop. I have found that notmany places carry the 'Low Profile mini-fuses) that are needed (in 15 Amp Size). When you do find them in auto parts stores, you only get assortment packs, with one of each size. I went to ebay, and found a 120 piece set of various sized fuses (20 each, of 6 sizes) for only $12.99. This was much cheaper than a 6 pack assortment for $8.99 at Auto Zone. I can confirm that only the Power Outlets are on these fuses, as nothing else died when that fuse went.
Blown fuse. Reason unknown. We had them replaced this AM at the local dealer. According to my wife, the service rep said, "oh happens all the time" To be safe, I am spending some $$ on an OEM charger. If the fuse blows again, I will post an update in the forum.
Thanks for the update, sorry you had the problem. Report back on how the OEM charger does for you, please.
That said, I have been using an OEM Apple Charger in my new car, and have yet to have any ill effects from it. Only my inverter has caused fuse issues.