Any reason why they put the shifter the way they did? I mean you shift up towards the front of the car to go in reverse and you shift down or towards the rear of the car to go forward. I am very happy for the beep when backing up. It has saved me more than once usually when I want to go in reverse and realize there is no beeping.
You will get used to it very quickly, and then you will get in a standard automatic car and think how strange it is! It took me a day or two to adjust and yes, the beep saved me too! But now it is so quick and easy to shift, I love the way it is designed.
When you are in a car with a auto tranny and the shifter is on the floor which way do you move the shifter to get into reverse from nuetral or drive? which way do you move it to get to drive from reverse or neutral?
Seemed backwards to me at first, but the settings are in the standard order that I've seen on all the automatics I've used: P R N D 2 1. It's different because P is a button and because it snaps back to the default position.
Well, what about the standard 'H' pattern? On a 'three speed' reverse is forward and low and high are back, on a stick shift.
This is the one I remember best, but is not the only stick shift pattern I used where 'R' is forward. Having always had stick shifts in the collection of home and farm vehicles that I drive, and only stick shifts for the past quarter century, the Prius shift pattern seems natural, even though it doesn't match any of my recent cars.
Seems natural to me, and similar to the stick patterns I'm used to (except you don't have to push down first to go into reverse).
I think this also comes into play, NHTSA Standard 102: " Standard No. 102: Transmission Shift Lever Sequence, Starter Interlock, and Transmission Braking EffectScope and Purpose:This standard specifies the requirements for the transmission shift sequence, a starter interlock, and a braking effect of automatic transmissions, to reduce the likelihood of shifting errors and starter engagement with vehicle in drive position, and to provide supplementalbraking at speeds below 40 km/h (25 mph)"
I do not know about you but I shift back (to D) to go forward and then up (to R) to go backwards on a regular automatic.
It IS an automatic isn't it? Why compare it to a manual? Lots of mnuals have reverse to the right aand forward or to the left and forward. Nissan even had a 5 speed manual where first was to the left and back!
Shifters follow this pattern for historical reasons. In early transmissions, it was easier to build the gearing this way. The pattern is now used because of familiarity. It's the same reason we use QWERTY keyboards: they don't make sense anymore, but it's what we are all used to. Tom
FMVSS 102 only specifies the direction of shifting for column-mounted automatic shifters (neutral->drive must be clockwise). It's otherwise silent on shift patterns, except to require that the shift pattern be in the view of the driver (except for standard "H" manual transmissions).
Me too - and looking around for the clutch with my left foot.... Folks - the bottom line here. Standard practice for all automatic transmission floor-mounted shifter autos is P-R-N-D-L. From front to back. Not logical as noted before, but so be it. We're stuck with it. Same with the Prius. Imagine if Toyota decided to go against the grain and make the Prius 'logical' and reverse the order to D-N-R. Product liability lawyers would make a fortune. And body shops.
Except: When you get in your 'normal' auto "stick on the floor" car, you pull it backward to hit ANY gear since Park is all the way forward. You pull it backward to reverse out of the driveway, then pull it backward AGAIN (twice) to go forward. ONLY when you want to back into a parking space do you push it forward to go in reverse. The BEAUTY of the Prius shifter is that you do not EVER think about what 'gear' the transmission is in - EVER. In other cars you HAVE to think "I'm in Drive, I have to pull it 1 back for 2nd, 2 back for 1st. Push it 1 stop forward for Neutral, 2 stops to get to Reverse, 3 stops for Park." Some automatics also force some right/left gating in the shifter. Yeah it becomes automatic, but your brain has to evaluate the whole process EVERY time you move the shifter. With the current Prius shifter pattern your brain HAS to think, "I want to go in reverse so I have to push it forward". "backward is backward" would require no analysis. People already have to 'get used' to the joystick shifter, same as they would have to get used to the gating in any 'normal' car. Any NEW driver is not going to think: "How does this relate to my old car". Since there IS no Park on the shifter, I say make it LOGICAL. Just like a boat throttle - Forward to go forward and backward to go backward. N and B are used rarely, *I* would make it (H is Home): F B H-N R Reminds me of the newlywed husband asking the wife: "Why did you cut the end off the roast before putting it in the pan?" W: "My mother always does" W: "Mom, why do you cut the end off the roast before putting it in the pan?" M: "My mother always does" W: "Grandma, why do you cut the end off the roast before putting it in the pan?" G: "Because my pan is too small for the roast." REALLY, there ARE reasons to NOT do it the 'same way it was always done before' !!!!