Just wondering if anyone has ever had problems (rubber deterioration) after using off the shelf tire cleaning products like - www.westleys.com I've used Westleys twice, then rubber protectant and the tires look really nice. Thanks
Before washing my car I use Rubber Cleaner - Cleaners - Wheels & Tires - Car Care - Griot's Garage on the tires and Wheel Cleaner - Cleaners - Wheels & Tires - Car Care - Griot's Garage on the rims. Then I wash the whole car with Car Wash - Cleaners - Car Washing - Car Care - Griot's Garage. While the car is still wet, I dry it while spraying the wet panels with Spray-On Wax - Waxes & Sealants - Waxing - Car Care - Griot's Garage. After everything is dry, I use Vinyl & Rubber Dressing - Cleaners - Wheels & Tires - Car Care - Griot's Garage on the tires. I've been using their products since 2000-2001 and stand by them. For paint protection I use Zaino.
As I rapidly approach middle age, I remember when I was younger and "thought" I put a lot of effort into keeping my vehicle looking good and clean. But to be honest, I get tired just trying to read your car maintenance products list. I know you can get a set routine, set products, and schedule and it can be easier than it looks, but good god man, join those that get winded walking up a flight of stairs. Anybody just sud's the thing up, spray it off, then go drive really fast? Seriously though, I respect the work you must apply to keeping your vehicle looking good. Plus I know once my vehicle is new, at least for a while I'll have a rebirth of wanting to keep it looking great and I'll probably be referencing your posts....so thanks in advance. Right now however, I drive a 93 Honda and find myself enjoying the freedom of driving by a front yard with someone with a running leaf blower and not giving a damn. That wasn't always the case with me.
Lol, thanks. I just did the above routine this morning on both my car and my dads as well. Then tonight, I'm claying and Zaino'ing my dads car... All this on my birthday! lol
I really like Meguiars high gloss hot shine tire spray. The stuff last for weeks. I usually apply every 4th wash. I wash pretty much every Sunday morning eary in the AM, and I a amazed how long this stuff lasts. I do not notice an tire degradation using this product. I have been using it for a year now!!! You can read the product info here at Autogeek! 32 oz. Meguiars High Gloss Hot Shine Tire Spray
I prefer Simple Green or a water-based alkaline degreaser with a water-based low silicone protectant like 303 - NOT ARMOR ALL!!!
I wholeheartedly second Mark's recommendation for Griot's products. I too use the Wheel Cleaner and Rubber Cleaner first, then wash the car (though I usually just pick up Mequiars auto wash at Advance Auto), then the Griots vinyl and rubber dressing. Their clay bar and Speed Shine products are also great, and their hand polish and hand wax are what I use not just on the Prius but on my Triumph Bonneville. If I use it on the Bonnie, the product has to be good, so I test products on the cars first. Griots is a great all-round source for products.