Just got my 2010 and need to get another set of car seats for our twin 3 year olds. We already have Britax Decathalons which we like. However, one of our twins is a moose, and seems a bit "scrunched" in the Decathalon. I was looking at the Frontier, which should be all we need until they are in regular seats. So, the short question to my long introduction has anyone put a Frontier into a Prius (other than in the middle)? I know the Frontier is wider than most seats, and was not sure if 2 would go in. Thanks....
... an additional question/clarification. I guess 2 could fit, but are they very close together and can the armrest/cupholders go down?
I just picked up one on ebay. It was shipped out today so I will find out if it will fit or not in a week or less. Send me PM in a week.
Congrats on the new Prius! We just got ours yesterday They sure do! The seatbelt is barely long enough for the reverse belt path installation, but it does work. The lower LATCH anchors are a bit more recessed than average, but that isn't a big issue as the Frontier installed well with LATCH, also. You can pull out the cupholders on the Frontiers or fold down the armest, but there is not enough room to do both, unfortunately. I have a photo, but it won't let me include it or link to my blog from today, since I just joined and don't have enough posts. You can find the website from my profile. If you have any other child safety seat questions, feel free to ask or send me a PM!