So, anyone going to have a Kevorkian style auto euthanasia party for their "clunker" trade for their new Prius. Final Clunkers ruling today mandated your dealer permanently disable engine by giving a "lethal injection" of Sodium Silicate solution (liquid glass) into the crankcase and then starting your old car and waiting for it to "seize" up. This is so LOL funny! More work for the dealerships thanks to Feds. The analogies between this and euthanasia could go on and on! I'm trading in my 1992 Ford Ranger 4x4 for a 2010 Prius w/solar roof. I wonder if my old truck will "suffer" very much? Will my guilt be assuaged by the ecstasy of my new vehicle?:rockon::rockon:
DrJon, It will writhe in agony as any trusted old friend who has been scorned for a couple of pieces of gold. . . Seriously, to those standing in line at dealerships waiting their turn to turn their clunker into any new environmentally friendlier ride, but especially a new Prius: Good luck. --TK
I'm in a panic. I bought my Prius on Saturday, delivery contingent on the Clunkers payment. I drove my Jeep on Saturday, Sunday, to work and home today. I stopped once on the way home, then I stopped a few miles from home at a farm market. Went in. Bought some berries. Came out, Jeep turned over, chugged, then died. I started it again, it started, then died. Now it won't start. Belt turns, nearly 1/2 tank of gas, lights light up, it er-er-ers but no vroom :-( I hope the "running" condition is when you make the deal, not three days later. Barring that, I hope the fix is cheap and easy. (before I *gulp* send it to Dr. Death). I feel like it's giving CPR to someone on death row!!!!!
Oh no, AngelRob. I hope the Jeep keeps it together long enough. As for seizing the engines. This makes sense to me seeing as the point is to get the clunkers off the road. I'm sure there would be - and probably still are - unscrupulous dealers who will take those clunkers and sell them at a decent little profit for themselves.
Thanks, Tony. It totally makes sense to get them off the road, and the Jeep really deserves retirement. Maybe they will let me by since it was running when the deal was made and I won't have to get it fixed. Or maybe it's something easy and cheap. Going to bed praying and will see what the morrow brings! Actually mine is in pretty good shape (or was at 6 this evening!) so it could be sold if the dealer were unscrupulous, but they won't be. Robbin
it's the fuel pump...and the dealer said the car has to be running when I take delivery, not when we signed the papers and they took my deposit :-b so I'm waiting to see if they are going to complete the deal (i.e. get the gov't funds) before I decide on how to fix the jeep. so if I don't get the deal on the prius, will y'all still let me lurk until I can save up the extra $ to buy one from another dealer?
I think the program is great! But, alas, we bought our Gen III in June so it was a little early for the program. Also, I wish they would have not specified an absolute MPG figure, but rather a number that represents the difference in MPG. Our old (1984) MBZ diesel that has 316,000 miles but gets 19 to 25 mpg did not qualify, nor does our 1996 Nissan Sentra. I would classify both of those as 'clunkers' but I guess uncle Sam does not; you had to have bought a real guzzler I guess...
I put in a new fuel pump in my clunker back in early June, before I was committed to C4C. I was able to get the engine going once before the new pump was installed by spraying carb cleaner (or something to that effect) directly into the intake. I let the car run for 30 seconds, killed the engine to put back on the air filter and the truck didn't restart nor did that trick work again. Too bad you're in NY, otherwise, if needed, you take out the fuel pump out of my clunker. There should be someway around spending $600+ for a new pump. I'm sure a mechanic can be creative at the dealer and get the car running for the amount of time needed to kill the engine with clunker tonic. Good luck
get a cheap aftermarket pump, or one from the junk yard. A fuel injection pump shouldn't cost more than $100
Thanks for the offer My mechanic sent me to ebay to see if I could find something cheap AM, we're also calling all the local yards. He tried banging on it and zapping it, we haven't tried the carb cleaner trick yet. I was half-seriously thinking about towing it over after hours and saying "hey, left it there last night" Too bad they're not at the bottom of a hill. If we do get it started, I WILL be driving it over there and leaving it until the deal is done. LOL he was all impressed that it's the original fuel pump with 337K on it. I said it could have lasted 337.1K. Is that asking too much??! Robbin
You can check out some examples at Please post some good ones there. Maybe you can get your dealer to capture your Ranger's death on video so you can put it up on Youtube?
Woo hoo! Was able to find a used pump at a local yard (most of them laughed at wanting a '95 part) for $85. Praying that it fits and it works, but I'm waiting to make sure I get the c4c deal first. Thanks for all your humor and support. I hope to be a Prius owner by this weekend...please Uncle Sam, hang up the rhetoric and just VOTE! R.
Dealer just called to make an appointment. I called to have my mechanic put in the used fuel pump. Now praying that it works and I can be "one of you" soon!:cheer2: *edit* the pump isn't the correct one but I still hope to be one of you, soon. It just will be a bit more expensive...