I'm talking to a couple of dealers about trying to find me a Prius in the next week or two. I like the look of Tideland Pearl the best, but am also considering Black, especially since they seem easier to get (at least in my area, which is Los Angeles). I've never owned a black car before, but have always heard that they need to be washed more than most (if not all) other colors in order to look good. My question is: would a Black Prius show significantly more dirt, dust and grime than a Tideland? I'm especially concerned after reading all the posts about difficulties Prius owners have had with people at car washes not having a clue how to drive them. If that means I end up having to do all my own car washing, maybe I ought to stay away from a color that's so high maintenance. Any thoughts?
Well, if you like keeping your car clean, black is the way to go. It looks really sharp but of course you gotta keep it shiny =). Tideland is nice and you can afford to let it be a bit dirty. It doesn't hide it as well as silver but better than black. Black will probably show scratches more easily than Tideland.
Yep. Black is just gorgeous! But very high maintenance. I stress, VERY high maintenance. And I refuse to let anyone but myself touch it! I put on mudflaps and a front end bra which hels the mud and bugs issue, and some paste wax which i plan to use every 6 months for rain spots. My car wash soap also has caranuba wax in it. I wash every Saturday and if it's really dirty, I'll do twice a week. Tideland would certainly show less dirt and scratches than Black but Silver would be the ultimate in low maintenance. Most car washes will eventually allow you to sit in the car as you go through the carwash if you insist strongly enough. Good luck!
I gotta say that the driftwood pearl is great for not showing the dirt. I am not a fanatic about car washing and the salesman highly recommended that color and he has been right so far. I had a silver car for 9 years , and was ready for a new color.
[font=Comic Sans MS:f73d256cf3]Black is beautiful if it's glossy. Silver is very forgiving of dirt, but it will never have that liquid look of high gloss since it throws back so much light. Take a look at some of the threads here about Zaino products if you want that LA Look... BTW, I drive a Silver Cloud.[/font:f73d256cf3]
Ok, I'm in the minority here, I don't care for the way it lools. I think the black Prius looks a lot like an insect. As for the Prius and car washes - Los Angeles is crawling with them. There are so many Priuses (sp?) around here even the hand wash (literally) around the corner knows how to drive them. A year and a half ago it was a different story. I wouldn't worry about the car wash folks not knowing how to drive it. Hold out for the color you want. Besides, Tidelands are definately in the minority around LA!
Galaxee, I must alert you to the fact that vitually all car waxes are acid. You're better off cleaning the car, using a quality chamois to dry it, and then leaving the finish alone. When I wash my car, I don't use a sponge or cloth; because they pick up grit. I use my bare hands to wash the car; its the least abrasive washing tool available. To wash oil or grease spots, rubbing alcohol will usually work. Give it a try!
I had a black 04 and now have a white 04. To me the black (with gray interior) looks like a more expensive vehicle. The rear spoiler blends in with the car and the lines just flow better because the seams and moldings are invisible. Somehow the black car, even with more frequent washings, would be the better choice if you are less family oriented. If I had to do it over again, Tideland looks pretty decent, Salsa is also great if it came with a gray interior. The only problem I have with white is that minor rock chips on the front show the gray primer underneath. Time for the touch-up paint!
thanks Emilyjohn, but I'll stick to waxing my car. The shine is irresistible to me. Besides, people wax their cars all the time with little or no problem. Black is just more high maintenance and looks more dingy than other colors if not taken care of properly. There are a ton of environmental acids that get on the finish, so wax isn't that big of a deal. Plus it takes care of the little fine scratches that happen in day to day life.