I disconnected the negative cable on my 2002 Prius to try and clear the Japanese menu on the Nav system and when I reconnected, the car starts, followed by the red triangle illuminating on the cluster, a Warning screen comes up on the display with the silhouette of the car flashing red with and exclamation point and then it shuts down. I tried to disconnect again and even jumped the auxillary battery with no joy. This is an emergency. Please help.
Okay, panic is over, I disconnected the cable again and put the auxillary on the charger for about half an hour, at that point it only showed a 50% charge. I went ahead and hooked it all up and said a little prayer. It all came on with no warnings and I drove it until a recharge of the main battery was complete. Still can't get rid of that Japanese menu though.
Negative, according to Carfax it has spent its entire life in Texas. I guess I will have to fix/replace the navigation unit if I want it to go away.
We can't rule out a 12VDC problem. If you have a VOM, we need to see 13.9 VDC on the 12 V battery while the car is parked and in "Ready" mode. The 12 V system provides power for the six, control computers that run the car. If there are problems here, the car rapidly becomes inert. Can you post a photo? Bob Wilson