Is there any way to lock the nav system so that you have to enter a PIN when you turn the car on? I'm not crazy about having all my contacts and addresses accessible to valets and anyone who manages to steal the car.
Very good question. I have been reading through the pdf nav manual (don't have car yet) and I haven't run across anything like that. If I find anything I'll let you know.
No, it's not an iPhone. You can simply not download your contacts or set the home address, although carrying the vehicle registration inside the (unlockable) glove box kind of defeats this purpose.
I agree. A lock would be nice, although a pain sometimes I'm sure. Would be great to have the option so you could turn it on in certain situations.
Do what I do ... Park your Prius yourself! Also this is not a easy car to steal, with the security in the key system.
Threads like this are a real eye-opener to me. I never would have even considered this an issue. Obviously I live in a sheltered world. Tom
Wow, me too - and my iPhone is locked for the same would be one more step before driving off in your car, but might be worth it. Just got my 2010 with Nav no solar and I've nearly drained the battery just trying to figure it all out! Got the addresses in with no problem, all 990 of them, with room for "86 more" according to them. By the time I delete all the ones I wouldn't need in the car, I'll have drained the battery again!
Ah yes, because as long as the user can compromise in order to solve a system shortcoming then it's not really an issue.