I have not seen anyone comment on this before, but what's with the double vision on the speed display. When i first got the car, I thought it was my glasses. Then I thought it was a night-time reflection. I now know it is on every display I've seen, including the picture I saw of the company who made it showing it off at a trade show. In every picture, there is a double image. I wonder why Toyota didn't consider this an issue. Does it bother anyone else?
I've owned a 2006 and currently a 2010 and can't say I've ever noticed a double image on my speed display. It is just a projection so maybe depending upon seating position it becomes more noticeable?
If you do a google image search for "2010 prius display" or "2010 prius touch tracer", you'll see that in every picture there is a distinct double image. The fainter image appears just above the main display by about 1/4 of an inch. I see it from every angle. Here's a link: http://cache.gizmodo.com/assets/images/4/2009/03/504x_6a00d83451b3c669e2011168a700c8970c-pi.jpg
I don't know, I see it in the link you provided (it's quite obvious there) but I've never experienced that in my own car...
I think that has to do with the angle of the photograph. I suspect when viewed straight-on, one doesnt see the layers of the display.
Mine has it, but its not something I notice on the road. It looks like internal reflections from the optical layer over the display. The brightest image is the direct path. First ghost image has bounced once off the nearest optical surface of the plastic sheet, then once off the inside, then back out. If this is correct, than there should be a series of ghosts of diminishing brightness, like the 'infinity mirrors', though it may be very difficult to detect them. The only fixes I can think of are [1] use a thinner plastic layer to cover the display (really just putting the ghosts closer to the main image), [2] use a material with a lower index of refraction (really just making the ghosts dimmer quicker), or [3] add antireflection coatings to one or both surfaces (making the ghosts dimmer really fast).
1st: Crappy NAV screen with worse colors and resolutions than prev gen 2nd: Cloudy/blurry AC screen 3rd: Speed display double image What's next?
I noticed this effect when I took a picture of the display screen. I later looked at the dash board and it is noticeable (if you really look for it). In the attached picture, you can see the double image on both the speed display and the shift position display. However, everything else is clear, so it isn't camera shake. I also notice that in a similar picture (without the Touch Trace feature active) the fuel gauge and MPG gauge also have double images. I suspect it is as others have stated - it is caused by the display being reflected onto a screen and there may be multiple levels in the screen.
its my guess, and I looked at it really close a while back, that one of the screens, the touch wheel screen, is a projection. And I jsut checked, no double on mine.
I had to run down to the garage to see for myself. Sure enough it is there but much more subtle than in the photos. In fact, the further away (normal sitting position for me) I am to the screen the less noticeable it is. Ha before this thread I just thought it was my progressive lens. Peter
The speedo is a projection from a small slot below the "screen". It differs in type from the hybrid indicator screen. Maybe there is some dust and refracting the image a little?
Make sure your rheostat isn't turned all the way up either. This causes the double vision to get worse.