Step 1. Bring your car in so they can look at it. Step 2. Call 1-800-331-4331, press 5 and open up a case on this (you could just open the case first) open Monday - Saturday
everyone is focusing so much on the blurry aspect of the display... i noticed the SCRATCHES on mine while driving off the lot. seeing those scratches on day one makes me think that over time it will compound itself to the point where it won't be viewable at all. surely there should be a recall issued on these... otherwise, so far so good with my solar IV winter gray.
I agree also, but I think we are going to have to live with this type of plastic at the least (I certainly hope they fix this also). I have posted last week here: You ask, they answer: Japanese car firm Toyota | Environment | My Question Response Now on a similar but different subject, I have a 09 Camry xle v6 that has a VVTi oil supply line that should have been all metal (supposedly they changed it to the all metal version 2 months after mine was built) and for some dumb reason they put a piece of rubber in between this line since at least 05 Avalon's, 07- most of 09 camry's, rav4's, and many Lexus's, (not sure how far back in years it goes for the rav's and Lexus or when or if it was fixed in them) all with the v6 engine that have this problem and Toyota has not to this day did a recall on it, not even an updated service bulletin. It leaks about 5 quarts of oil in minutes and the oil light does not (seem) to come on in time and some had to have their engines rebuilt (this cost alone should be cheaper for a recall), most had it fixed under the power train warranty, some paid to have the line replaced with the metal one (like me soon), but Toyota will not fix it for free unless it breaks!!! So you or Toyota pay for towing and Toyota pays for the repair if you still have the power train warranty left after it breaks, some dealers are replacing it with the same crappy oil like so it happens again in another 20k-120k miles, Where is my Toyota cares on this one!!!!! Here is some info and video on it. 2GR-FE VVT-i Oil Line Replacement - Toyota Owners Club - Australia So if they have not recalled the major oil problem then I am not sure they will do anything for us on this, but please try the least!!!!!!!!! I do love my Camry, but I love the 2010 Prius a little more. Good luck to all! Please let us know if the replacement is the same or better LRKingII?
On Tuesday, I called and opened a case as well. Unfortunately, the lady I spoke with had not heard of this issue reported prior to my call. copy and paste the link. (for some reason it's trying to autoconvert into a video on this forum when it's not) ok the flash was making things difficult, but this was the best i can do. Be sure to look at the max size. Notice how the buttons and the text are clear around it, bu the number in the a/c display is fuzzy and not sharp unlike other lcd temp displays I've seen. I'll be calling Toyota about this as well.
My dealer replaced mine this morning per Toyota and the new replacement is just the same as old one. So it looks like until Toyota makes a design change it's just gonna be fuzzy. It took them about 30 min to change it out.
Still, with the Prius, I think we need to remember that we did not pay the price of a Lexus. Costs must be contained in someway.
Hmmm, so if you don't pay mega bucks then you should accept flaws like this? Anyway, I showed mine to the dealer and they've ordered a replacement.
+1. It's not expensive to get optically clear plastic. Something like this isn't missed by Toyota. My wife noticed this right away and was one of the few negative comments we had from the test drive and the trip home. I would bet they got a bad batch of parts and put them on anyway, figuring it was good enough. Plus, it's a Prius. I'm sure many owners will be happy all that plastic didn't end up in a landfill, assuming it couldn't be recycled.
This issue did not bug me at first but the more I look at it, the screen blows. On the nav systems why did they not keep the same program and make temp show up on color display like it did before when changing temp. That cost zip... The radio still does it. I agree this is not about cost. This is just wrong. Toyota should fix, and if that requires a new piece of plastic that is clear than they need to get moving on it. If back light was bright maybe it would be okay. Still love my car and I am sure something else will bug me more at some point. Last time I got a free watch from a Happy Meal, I could read the display on my watch without any issues, give me a break.
Just chiming in that I have the same problem, noticed it immediately. Should I show it to Toyota or just wait for there to be a real Toyota fix?
Show it to dealer AND call Toyota to get your compliant on record. Dont rely on dealer to call Toyota about it.
Hi Group, This is my first post here. I to have noticed how difficult it is to try and look through what appeared like frosted glass to see the heater symbols. I first tried auto polish to try remove surface contamination with no luck. The same old frosty scratched lens still remained. So I looked around the garage and picked up this can of metal polish called BRASSO. I read the back of the can and it read for the polishing of most metals. Well at the end of the long list of metals it could polish was a note that it could also polish plastic watch crystals. I thought to myself why not give it a try. If I ruin the plastic finish it could be not much worse than it is now and if there is a tbs I will get it replaced anyway. So I attacked it with a small amount applied to a kleenix tissue. After a few minutes of circular polishing motions the moment of truth arrived. I removed the polishing compound with a fresh kleenix and HOLY SMOKES it was clear as glass with a mirror finish. All the smoke ,haze and scratches were gone! All the symbols were sharp, black, with great contrast. My eyes are very bad so the display is still difficult for me to see from behind the steering wheel. Hopefully catarac surgery will improve my condition. If you try this method do it at your own risk as the method or polishing compound variables could spell disaster! Under no circumstances would I try to use auto paint polishing compound.
I appreciate you risking your unit for this experiment. This implies the matte finish is on the outside of the glass. Before we all go out en mass and polish stuff, I think we should independently check these units for this matte surface. This would be a good home fix vs waiting for Toyota to agree to a replacement.