I got to thinking; how many here have a Prius that is approaching five years old (Gen II model obviously), and have NOT racked up a bunch of miles on their cars? My 2005 has only 38,206 on it as of today, July 7, 2009. It's a 2005 model. Now, for me personally, that is low mileage. Any others?
Not me, I have an average of 25,000km per year on mine, it was an average of 20,000km per annum when I got it so I have done 65,000km in 2 years at an average of 32,500km per annum, more km that I have ever averaged in any car I personally owned. 2 x 6,000km round trips and a 4,000km round trip have added quite a bit. I love driving this car!
My 2006 is approaching its three year anniversary, and it has about 28,000 on it. Sure, I get horrible MPG compared with most people here, but I believe I put less gas in per month than most.
I think I fill up the Prius about twice a month, sometimes less. I may own the car, but my wife does most of the driving in it. She works about three miles away. How I wish I could just plug the car in, and run off the battery for those miles. But that conversion costs too much.
Bought my 06' brand new in March of 06' and now at about 97,000 miles. It serves its purpose as the commuting work horse.
That is easy bicycling distance. It is also easy electric bicycle distance, and electric bikes are much cheaper than a Prius PHEV conversion.
I put about 5K miles a year on a car--no matter what the gas mileage. I have about that on my 08 Prius. I have had to replace the battery on a couple of other cars, and I suspect I will on the Prius in a few years. The small 12V battery, that is. Gas mileage was not a principal factor in buying my Prius. I just liked the technology, the quiet and the gearless CVT transmission. I also like the 5 door hatch concept--the most practical in my view. And the spotless reliability record.
Well, the problem with riding a bike here in TEXAS, is by the time you have ridden that three miles to work, you have sweated up a storm. Now, an electric bike/scooter would make sense, but I have no where to store it. Garage filled with two cars. And neither one of those is sitting in the rain/hail we get around here.
Yep, folks I know who did that would shower in the change house. Plus you neglected to mention how difficult it is to be a cyclist or pedestrian in Texas without getting run over (as happened to an ex-office mate.) Only one mode of transport is favored of in Texas...and it isn't muscle powered. Our Prius is at about 11,000 miles/year...but the 4WD Tundra is now down to about 4,000 miles/year because of the Prius (down from about 10-12,000 mpy.) 50+ mpg or 13+ mpg...now there is a tough decision, NOT! Our commuting distance has been minimized as well so that we probably put on 40% fewer total miles than before.
I agree, those attributes convinced us to get rid of our previous cars (a Sienna and an RX350) and go with Priuses. Our first Prius, a 2009 base bought in October, 2009, now has 6,379 miles on it (including a round trip from CO to AZ) and the latest, a 2009 touring bought last month, has just over 1,000 miles. We're retired and just drive to the club, the store and to dinner. I expect our Prii to accumulate about 600 miles per month (each) in the summer months and about half that in the winter months.
Well, it looks like I have you beat..... although I cannot take the credit for it!! I just purchased an '05 Prius with 23213 miles on it. Does seem kinda silly to buy a car that gets such good mileage and then not drive it!
I've got a 2005 (bought september 2005, after my _first_ 2005 got munched in june of that year), current mileage is approximately 34,500 miles. I'm too lazy to head down to the parking garage and turn it on to get a better answer. My wife has a 2006 lexus RX 400h with ~20,000 miles on it. But her commute is only 3 miles, while mine is closer to 10 (still not bad). And we tend to use my car when we take longer driving trips... Given the fairly low mileage, lifetime average of 46.36 miles/gallon for my prius isn't too bad. The car tends to be warming up for a good portion of my commute...
I was curious if you have had any issues with the MFD?? I have read that the '04 and early '05 models had this issue. I was hoping that as mine has a build date towards the end of October of '05 that it would be outside the range of the problem. So I am understandably curious about your experience. Steve
we do a good 16k/year. hoping that we can move several states closer to home and therefore save us several thousand miles/year in road trips... then again, we may just go home more often if it doesn't require 2 weeks off work. hmm.
Black 2005 with 30,447 miles Loving it more and more it's a great car :first: No problem *yet* with MFD
I bought my 2006 Prius on 7/15/06 and it has approximately 31,000 miles on it as of 8/16/2009. Love the Prius!