Not really a button as it uses the cruise control but has anyone installed this? Electric Only Mode Kirk
Yes, several have. Two things to consider: 1) It has a three-second delay to it. I like the immediacy of mine; I don't think I could tolerate the delay. 2) Coastal's customer service record is spotty at best. When a product is in stock and it works, everything is fine. Backorders, customer follow-up, and technical support ... forget it. There have been reports of the switch failing, with frustration at not getting it resolved. I always suggest that folks considering a Coastal product do a thorough search here to get a good sense of customer services issues before ordering. For an inexpensive and relatively easy DIY option see this.
I have had it for years and it works flawlessly. Not that I've brought my Prius back to the dealer, but they wouldn't know you had an EV switch unless you told them of they took the dash panels off.
I have had three of them and gave up. I put in a separate switch as suggested above, which works better but still not right. Not recommended.
installed on my '05 since June 2005. Not issues here. Like JimboK said, their customer service record is pretty poor. Good luck trying to find out order status and such. It will come and they're an honest bunch.. just not very good with customer relations.
I purchased & installed mine a few weeks ago and like it. It arrived quickly, and works as advertised. It doesn't have much practical use or purpose, but is a fun "parlor trick" to demo to others how the Prius can start up and operate without its gas engine. The piece was very easy to install (about 20 min start to finish, with clear instructions) and is inexpensive. Personally I endorse it. Cheers, Dave
Yes, I installed mine 6/22/09 and love it. There are perfect situations for me to use it, so I use it daily. I think it's a great product. No problems here.