I was in the same bind a week ago. I had a hunch the C4C program was nearing it's end, also we have the WA Sales Tax exemption for 40mpg+ cars that was ending, so I was in a rush to get a Prius 2010. Didn 't want to give up, so I called every Toyota dealership in Washington, and then in Oregon. Finally found one in Portland, OR that had one after a full day of non-stop calling. Drove 160 miles to pick up my baby. Eventhough I wanted just a package II, i ended up with a IV. I don't regret it. I love my new baby, and don't mind the extra stuff it came with. Ask yourself, do you want a Prius that badily? If so, don't settle for anything else. If it doesn't matter much, then sure, get an insight.
I drove an insight as Honda does indeed build excellent vehicles, as an aircraft mechanic/ test pilot there are several things Honda does better than Toyota, but as a hybrid, Toyota has it all over the Honda The big thing to me is the only time the engine is off on the insight is when it is fully stopped, and when the engine is off, so is the A/C. Can't do that down south here.
I was in the same situation one week ago. Only reason we end up getting a prius is my wife liked the interior better. For me the interior really does not matter much as long as the ergonomics are right. I have driven both cars and actually leaned towards Insight as I could have gotten it way below the MSRP. In the end I was able to get Prius at $ 500 discount too. With C4C money both cars fit my budget Either way I do not think you can go wrong with either car. Good luck
I've owned Hondas/Acuras for 15 years. You won't have to worry about quality or reliability. I'd love to buy another Honda/Acura. I've driven the Insight and a new Prius and have to say that the Insight isn't what I was hoping it would be. It is a great value and a great package, but the performance is lacking. It handles great, better than the Prius. But the engine is not pleasant. You can stomp on the pedal in the Prius and it actually is pretty quick. But the Insight goes nowhere. Just a lot of noise and nothing to show for it. Also, the transition from engine off at a stop light to on when you accelerate is pretty rough. Where the Prius was silky smooth, the whole car shuddered when the Insight engine turned on. The Insight is great as a budget car, but it isn't really a competitor to the Prius. Many people compare the 2 as if they are direct competitors, but Honda didn't really design it that way. They designed it to undercut the Prius as basic affordable high mileage transportation. If that is what you want, buy it. You'll be happy. But if you want the refinement of a more expensive and larger/more powerful car, wait for the Prius.
Obviously most of us here are biased to the Prius. You might get a more objective discussion at cleanmpg.org or hybridchat.com. A 2K price difference will buy a lot of gas at a difference of 5 mpg. Some people here obviously have money to burn (flying out of state, casually buying a IV model instead of II model etc.) That doesn't apply to everybody.
I bought the Insight yesterday at 7pm.... .....but then I changed my mind and took it back this morning. After a long fight, the dealer took it back. At first they wanted $1500 and claimed that the paper work had already been sent to Honda....thus, if they took it back it would be a USED car....in a matter of 13 hrs!!! They wanted me to believe that the paper work was already sent in and their was no possible way to reverse the transaction. Anyway, after arguing and making a little scene they eventually said $589 and wheeled out the paper work that had "already been sent away." I guarantee the car is on the lot as a new car right now. Lesson learned: don't settle and buy a car on the spur of the monent.
Without any Prius bias, I think you did the right thing. Imagine being stuck with a new car payment on something that you only wanted 50-70%. Good luck with finding the car and give us your 13 hour driving impressions of the Insight.
eddie, I'm curious ... what changed your mind between last night and this morning? Did further driving make you notice things you didn't notice in the test drive? I test-drove the Insight, but found the ride too bumpy and noisy.
I know it makes me sound like a ditz, but the Insight just felt like a wanna-be Prius. Not the real thing! I couldn't get that out of my mind no matter how hard I tried. I felt like I was paying 10% less for a car that was 65% as good. Also, after seeing the August sales results (only 2,000 Insights sold), I started to wonder what the resale value would be like in 5 years. It seems like no one wants the darn car right now in the middle of "cash for clunkers" of all things. I bet these cars will easily be selling for $3k under sticker by December. As far as driving, the ride was hard and jittery. In the back seat you are in constant motion - it's like the car is nervous instead of calm and pleasant like a Prius or Camry. I hear the Fit rides much the same. I gave my dad a ride and he would say "ohh" every time the car went over a decently sized bump. You could literally hear a "bang" echo through the cabin and feel it roll up your spine. Another thing I wasn't a fan of was the jerky stop-start of the engine which was annoying. The doors on the Insight seem to be made of tin foil...much like the '00 Civic I had a long time ago. Aside from the ride quality, the backseat is also small. I'm not very big, but if I sat with good posture, I had ~0.25" of headroom - anyone 6'1+ may not fit! While exiting the backseat, I had to turn my feet perpendicularly. Weird entry and exit positions to say the least. Now for a little market analysis....I think Honda's hybrid is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Many younger people may not mind its shortcomings, but at the same time, they may be better served by the equal, if not superior Fit at $5k less. The average age for a Prius driver is probably 45 (I would think!) so the Insight's slight price advantage likely means nothing to them...thus, no reason to jump ship from the superior Prius. This leaves the Insight filling a grey area where it's not good enough for the average hybrid buyer (40+ yrs old) and it's not good enough to justify the price premium for younger buyers. So who's gonna buy it? BTW - with VERY frugal driving, I averaged 47 mpg over my 50-mile test loop.
I think you made the right choice. I as well had a deposit down on an Insight for a few months and had my heart set on buying it... until I saw both the Prius and Insight in person at the Auto Show. The Insight seemed so small and cheap inside and with the minimal cost difference felt like it would be settling for so much less. Having to start your engine every time you move, forget it! Next day I got my deposit back from Honda and went to Toyota. Bought my Prius a month ago; I'm completely in love and feel really happy that I made the right decision when I drive by an Insight. Not that there are many Insight's on the streets, definitely not a hot seller. So far I've seen 1 Insight and 6 2010 Prius' in Vancouver!
Between the Insight and the Fit, I would go with the Fit, sport Fit actually. Honda will rival the Prius someday, at least I hope so. Competition is good for the consumer.
I'd have love to overhear THAT conversation! I think you did the right thing - a car is too much a part of our lives and finances to feel you compromised when you didn't really need to. Looking forward to seeing pics of the new(est) car!!
Believe me, you get the Prius and you won't be second guessing maybe you should have gotten the Insight.
In traditional cars, the smaller and less refined car cost less to operate. Prius destroys that conventional wisdom. Prius is the bigger and more refined car that happens to cost less to operate. The saving in gasoline will pay for the price difference in regard to the Insight. It is really no a brainer! Prius gets as good highway MPG as the Diesel. Real world highway traffic has congestions, accidents, and constructions. Prius has the advantage. Nothing can match Prius' city MPG. It is no a brainer again!
Two weeks back, I placed a deposit for an Insight at a good deal ($1600 under MSRP) and then had second thoughts after seeing the Prius. I was excited about the deal I was getting but not the car. As other reported, the Insight felt like an economy car, not much thrills. Head room was crowded in the back. The only think I liked about it, besides it being a Honda, is I like the looks from the outside and the included ipod connector... but the Prius was much more: I love the Prius dashboard and electronics... The shifting, from the simple beep when locking the doors (vs. the honk from the Honda). I'm a gadget freak and love the hitech features - keyless, ability to run in EV only, greater MPG, backup camera, higher horsepower... it just feels more solid, more luxurious. To me, I was worth spending $6K more to feel really good about the car (ended with a IV+Nav @ MSRP).
There is only one problem with the Insight: the price. At $17k? Great deal. $18k? Still worth it. $19k is pushing the envelope. By the time you hit $20k+ you're talking silly money for what you get. IMA can't possibly be a $4k+ system even after you mark it up to retail.
EXACTLY, not only do I not qualify by 1 MPG now I can't buy a car because the demand has shot up, dealers here are selling tons of cars. Now I have to wait for it to subside for a while because they're putting another 2 billion in. Should have previously bought an SUV, what a mistake.
Though most of us likely are going to remember these first words from your post, I'm hoping the last words also resonate: I'm pleased for you, personally, but feel pretty sad for the car-buying public. Certainly, the Insight will have devotees and fans, but it doesn't appear it will have the type of popular appeal the Prius spawned. Good for Toyota. Tough for Honda. Bad for Car Buyers. Competition is a really great thing. I love how Toyota made so many changes in the Gen3, but I wonder if they'll be as able or as motivated to keep improving the car if no one else steps up to challenge the Prius? Also, if no one else produces a really popular and successful hybrid, will the Prius just hang out alone? I think the Ford Fusion Hybrid has some potential for mass appeal, but the price is a bit high. It appears it beats the Camry Hybrid in most categories, but the question is whether it will be produced in high enough quantities to be a real sales contender.
Got you beat, I've been driving Hondas/Acuras for 20+ years. I've Test drove the Insight and Prius. The Insight has the busier mechanics such as ride, engine, noise but handles crisper. The Fit would be a much better choice given the economics and since the Insight is built on a similar platform. Just my 1.5 cents