As many of you know, TJ has been a regular and valuable contributor to PC for many years. He is facing large medical problems/costs but he is currently uninsur(ed)(able). Times are tough nationwide, but I am posting this info in hopes that some of us will find the compassion to send TJ a little financial boost to help cover his medical expenses. BTW it is MY idea to post this, and I asked TJ if he would mind my putting the word/request out to the larger PC community. I believe he was reluctant to do so, but he acquiesced, recognizing he is not in a position to fully finance his medical expenses. If you are so moved, please send what you can to his PayPal account. Here are instructions: OR if you are as PayPal challenged as I am please PM me for his home address where you can send a check.
For those wanting to pay via PayPal, the easiest for International people like myself, plus Paypal charges no service fees for a gift. Screen grabs from the PDF file apriusfan made. Gift email address is [email protected] One Two, use [email protected] for the email address (a zoom, use [email protected] in the TO box) Three
Is it possible to set up a 'Tip Jar' on PayPal for contributions for medical expenses? I would hope that PayPal would see the P.R. benefit and not take their usual bite.... Although, if memory serves, if the per transaction amount is less than $500, PayPal doesn't take a bite. The question is whether the $500 is per transaction or for a monthly (or yearly) total. Does anyone know?
I believe this is a good way to go. TJ, like most of us, is reticent to make his personal plea, so I will again for him. TJ sit down and get a pay pal account. The rest of us can still use the address in the OP in the mean time. Times are tough, but we can all find a few extra dollars for a friend in need.
And how does this work? If someone sends me money, what happens next? Does it go onto my card? Does Pay Pal send me a check? Does it fall out of the sky?
Not being familar with using paypal myself it would be helpful if someone could post step by step instructions on how to contribute once the set up is done.
When someone sends you money via PayPal, you get an e-mail when the funds arrive in your PayPal account. To receive the funds from PayPal, you have to request PayPal issue you a check. There may be other ways to get the funds from PayPal, but I have no experience with the 'other' ways. If there are 'other' ways, hopefully someone will post info on how the 'other' ways work. TJ, do you have a PayPal account?
I do now. That is why I posted that e-mail up there. I thought that had something to do with it. I'm sort of new to this.
I am in the process of testing the transfer process with TJ. Once we know for sure that funds transferred to TJ as a gift don't get the usual PayPal haircut, I can prepare a set of instructions with screen shots and save the document as a pdf file. How/where to post the pdf to enable everyone who wants to download it is where I am presently stuck. It would be nice if PC would host the pdf and it could be downloaded by clicking on the PC-hosted link. But that is up to Danny/Tony/Evan whomever.
Thanks! Thanks a bunch. It does this ole' grizzled preachers heart good to know that there are some decent folks out in the interwebs. I know that sounds like I'm being less then sincere, but believe me, I really do appreciate it, and humor is my main way of dealing with this. Today my leg wound just ached. It makes me wonder seriously if it's going to survive. I should see the doctor again on Thursday. Thanks again.
Whatever I can do to help gets returned in your thanks. I wish I could do more (like sprinkle some magic dust and your diabetes gets cured); but hopefully what I do can help you past your present challenge. Regarding your aching leg wound, that might actually be good news. If you are aching, there may be some nerve function at work? I sincerely hope the news on Thursday is good.
Maybe. I had not thought about that way. I also know, that for me to feel any pain, it has to be real painful, so it could be the other way with that. Oy.
pdf is done. Any one want to host it for download? Otherwise, pm me with an email address and I will email it to you.