Any other GST'ers expecting their cars to hit the port in the next few days? I was originally told it was gonna arrive at the port on July 30th, which was yesterday. Late last week I was then told that it was pushed back a couple days to August 2nd. I want my Prius!!!! So... am I the only one on here that is waiting for something to come in at that time? I am getting the carpet mats, remote start, and illuminated door sills installed. How much of a delay can I expect these to cause, if any? How long after does it usually take to arrive to the dealership? (I am in Louisiana, one state over from the port.) Last night I had a very vivid dream that I was in my new Prius and driving around. The navigation had a really weird dream-added feature. The driving instructions were transmitted to one of your shoelaces. The instructions would scroll across in a vibrating and raised text. It was really weird. Anyway... I was driving along in my Prius and it was great. I got to test out the remote start, remote A/C, etc. It all worked well. Hopefully the real one will too! These (what I hope are the) last few days of waiting are really bearing down on me! I want it!
I guess I was lucky. I got my '10 Prius within 3 hours of starting to look for one, back on 6/20/09. Went to one place which sucked, called another and had the car that afternoon with the solar package I wanted. I like the 2010s quite a bit. My wife has had a 2009 touring since last October and I like hers also, in fact, I think I like the interior layout better in her '09, more places to put stuff.
Got some good news today I talked to my friend at the dealership and he said that my car did indeed arrive at the port, had all the options installed, and he has a loading number, which apparently means it has been put on a truck for delivery. If it didn't go out today, it should go out Monday morning, which means it should be here Monday either way. (I hope) I'm only about 4 hours from Houston, where I believe the port is... so it's looking like Monday. My fingers will stay crossed until then. Tuesday will be one month since I placed my deposit, so I'm feeling thankful that it seems like it will wrap up a lot quicker than I know it could have. I did have the option to take a silver IV with sunroof a week or two ago, but I wanted to hold out for a color I actually wanted. I'll be sure to take an unnecessary amount of pics when the car comes in! Winter Gray Metallic Prius IV w/ sunroof, dark gray leather, illuminated door sills, remote start, and carpet mat set. Yes!
I ordered mine on June 10th. I played phone tag once a week for an update. A week or so ago, it was in and ready. We ordered a simple Prius II, red with dark gray interior, no floor mats & no port options. Went to pick it up ..... It was red, with Bisque interior. They did some switching around, and said our Prius II with DARK GRAY interior should be here about Aug 7th. They were SOOOOooo sorry! They said, "We'll give you some cases of soda for the inconvienence". We said we don't drink soda. They said, "How about some movie tickets?" We said we don't go to movies. Then my wife said, "How about free floor mats" They said OK. I said, "We were going to get the all weather ones ... " They said OK. So it looks like we will be getting free all weather floor mats for out time and trouble. We did drive over 50 miles, one way, to pick up the wrong car, so they should do something more then cases of soda or movie tickets! I hope to have it this Friday or Saturday. I'll chime in with the usual words of joy when we get it.
What dealership? You are describing our car that is due in around the 10th at Wilde in Milwaukee except I couldn't get them to not give us carpet floor mats.....
A can of soda?????? Movie tickets???? That's insulting... I'd have slapped you if you settled for that
I am wondering if my car does not come in on the next shipment or two, how much more I will have to pay for the IV since maybe then the safety connect will be out.
Lakeland Toyota in Sheboygan. PM sent. [edit] Let me know if you did not receive my PM. I tried to call it up to show the wife, and it did not save it, even though I had the option to save checked.
It has arrived! I just got back from checking it out and signing a bunch of stuff, now I am about to go back and pick it up! The Winter Gray / Dark Gray color combination looks a lot nicer than I expected. Not that I expected to dislike it, but I like it more than I imagined I would. A lot of pics and stuff are to come tonight...whenever I can pry myself out of the Prius! AND I'll be getting the windows tinted today! Yay for me