I've been the proud owner of a 2010 prius III for 4 weeks now (first hybrid) and have put 3,500 miles on in that time. I am averaging 52 mpg. I have to say that driving a prius hybrid is an educational experience. I never realized what a gas hog I was until the prius started teaching me how to drive. I think it would be an interesting study to see if non hybrid cars get better mileage if they follow a hybrid! That being said, I love it when I get to what I am calling "the sweet zone", that's when I am running on flat terrain, about 70 mph, in eco mode, with nearly full battery, using very little ICE, and the display shows I am getting 75 mpg. If the traffic allows, I can go like that for miles and the average mpg just continues climbing. I am honestly having so much fun driving this car... I've got to cool it or I'm going to be changing oil every 5 weeks!!!!!
I so agree with you - I have a V with 1,800 miles now. Never considered myself that "green", or immersed into squeezing mpgs, but..... I took a 40 mile / 1 hour trip this morning. On the 5 minute MPG graph, about 30 MPG on the first bar (warmup), then next 11 were never under 45mpg, even with stops and hills. And two 5 min intervals were 85MPG. I really concentrated on pulse and glide and believe the terrain helped. May not be green, but I'm getting close to Olive. This is REALLY fun stuff. I love driving at speed and knowing the ICE is sleeping. I now know why you Gen 1 & 2 folks were such a close clan. I have Trip A set since delivery, so 1,800 is 48.7 (during a learning curve and a V). Couldn't be more pleased.
I believe that you have found what is called the Super Highway Mode that hypermilers shoot for. I'm glad to hear that you are finding it that easily. How long are you able to maintain it?
I have to agree with the previous posters. This is my first Hybrid and I am having a great deal of fun driving my Prius. --TK
It depends on the terrain and whether or not I get a hot head behind me on a two lane who just has to pass at 85 mph so they can get to town 20 seconds sooner than me. Steep hills and bow wows (B.tch on wheels, watch out world) usually driving a suburban or a navigator.
Took delivery on my 2010 IV on Friday evening, and have been averaging over 60 mpg since. I think I learned how to stay in a "sweetish" zone through my education driving a Nissan Murano, with a sensitive mpg graph on the Nav screen teaching me how to feather my foot pressure - trying to keep it between 20 and 30 mpg - now the same touch is keeping me well above 50 mpg for 80% of the time - and there are a lot of big hills in Litchfield County. By the way, took a two hour joy ride in my new car yesterday - 83 miles at 63 mpg, and saw at least 30 other Priuses on the road. They are all over the place.
Its an interesting thought. I drove my grandpa's gen 2 for a weekend, and then decided to drive my BMW 3 series (dont worry my 2010 Prius V is on order) in a similar manner. I average 23-27 MPG normally, and I was consistently able to hit 31 by using those techniques. Now it may not be much, but it shows something. If only they could build my Prius a little quicker, I'd be happy.
Same here! I'm averaging about the same mpg and driving 80 miles RT to work has never been more fun. P&G is awesome. The Prius really teaches you how to conserve.
Any technique will work well on a regular car. For example, our 2002 Camry 4 cylinder. Before the Prius came along, we were getting 10.5-10.9L/100km (nearly all city driving). After learning the P&G technique, I tried it on the Camry and got the average down to 8.5L/100km after 80km that one day.
You guy's will laugh, but I can get my C3500 Dually to 20 mpg by hypermiling it. I rarely ever drive it, just when I have a need for it now