My V picked up a chip on the lower bumper and was wondering if anyone could recommend good/correct touch-up paint. Color is black. Thanks. So far I've found this: Genuine Toyota Touch-Up Paint Black Color Code 202
I also got my Spectra Blue Mica cheaper at the dealer. Problem will be how to make touch up invisible.
Also, consider using a black Sharpie sometimes. It's not runny or goopy and doesn't require a lot of experience. Sometimes it's the best thing, especially if the scratch or nick is small.
The trick with touch up paint is to apply it very sparingly with a toothpick, applying multiple coats if needed to fill in a deep nick or scratch. The brush that's included in a tube of paint is useless.
I like the Sharpie idea. I hope I can find one in Blue Ribbon Metallic. Agree that a toothpick works well to fill chips with touch up paint in thin coats.
Sharpie is a great idea - I have used one on an antique japanese black screen...As for buying the touchup paint tube - while its not expensive - my dealer handed me one when I left. I assumed it was standard
Griots also sells a little pack of touchup paint applicators--basically look like a QTip but red stalk and a very, very small paint applicator that picks up paint but does not produce a glob, and you can feather it in in multiple coats. The swab end lets you apply it very sparingly and precisely.
the touch up paint from toyota has a pen in one side and a brush in the other. it is an exact color match and worked well for me...cost about $8
lol @Boo and the sharpie idea. sometimes dealer touchup paint has been sitting on the shelf for a while, i'm usually weary of dealer paint.