I notice that some new cars have a black area on the windshield in the area of the rear view mirror and I'm told the 2010 Prius does too. Where should I place my E-Z pass transmitter? Does it have to be outside the black area? If so, where should I put it? thanks.
I have mine (while inside the car) directly to the right of where the mirror wires are on the windshield, right on top of the black dots and up as high as it can do so the transmitter rubs the roof. Works fine all over NY and NJ with no trouble. You can also read through this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/65508-ez-pass-placement.html
I have my GREEN PASS just below the black on the windshield.. and it is out of view.. Make sure to get your green pass, if you have not done so already. Scott
Hi Craig, Please do a search before posting. this topic was discussed here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/65508-ez-pass-placement.html and here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/62360-lka-toll-tags.html and here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/65914-ezpass-transponder.html and that just names a few!
TRAVEL OFF-PEAK IN A LOW-EMISSION VEHICLE WITH THE NEW Green Pass AND SAVE The Port Authority Green Pass Discount Plan rewards drivers using low-emissions vehicles with a substantial discount. Drivers with qualifying vehicles who register for the Port Authority Green Pass Discount Plan will receive a green E-ZPass tag and be charged a specially discounted toll during off-peak hours. Green Pass customers are charged a $4 toll during off-peak hours. There is no discount for driving during peak hours. To enroll in the Port Authority Green Pass Discount Plan, call 1-800-333-8655 (New York Service Center). Be sure to have your account number or tag number and PIN for account access. The Port Authority Green Pass discount only applies to Port Authority bridges and tunnels, though your Green Pass can be used at any crossing or road that accepts E-ZPass as a form of toll payment. Vehicles that qualify for Green Pass are certified to the California Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) standard and achieve a United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more, or are pre-model year 2005 hybrid vehicles which are certified to the California Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) standard and achieve a USEPA highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey New York State Thruway Authority: E-ZPass : Green Pass Discount Plan Q: What is the new PA Green Pass discount? A: The new PA Green Pass Discount Plan offers a special $4.00 toll rate to vehicles certified to the California Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) standard and achieve a United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more, and pre-model year 2005 hybrid vehicles which are certified to the California Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) standard and achieve a USEPA highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more. Currently eligible vehicles are: Honda Insight (2000 to 2004 models) Honda Civic Hybrid (2003 to 2009 models) Toyota Prius (2001 to 2009 models) 9. Q: Is the Port Authority Green Pass valid everywhere E-ZPass is accepted? A: The Port Authority Green Pass is an E-ZPass that may be used at any crossing or road that accepts E-ZPass as a form of toll payment. However, unlike the white "regular" E-ZPass tag, Port Authority Green Pass users pay only $4 when they use their tag at Port Authority crossings during off-peak hours. The Port Authority Green Pass is accepted at all crossings and roads that accept E-ZPass, however, the Port Authority Green Pass discount only applies to Port Authority crossings. 10. Q: How do I sign up for the new PA Green Pass Discount Plan? A: Port Authority E-ZPass account holders who drive qualifying vehicles can request that the Green Pass Discount Plan be added to their account. Customers must submit a copy of their motor vehicle registration for the qualifying vehicle. After confirming the vehicle’s eligibility, the E-ZPass NY Customer Service Center will issue a green-colored E-ZPass tag for use only in the qualifying vehicle. The Port Authority will begin accepting requests for the Green Pass Discount plan on March 2, 2008. To request the Green Pass Discount, please send a letter and include a copy of the registration to the E-ZPass New York Customer Service Center, P.O. Box 149001, Staten Island, New York 10314-9001 or visit a walk-in center to supply the needed information. Please note that tags will not be issued on the spot, as verification of vehicle eligibility is required.
sorry! I knew there had been a recent thread, but I couldn't find it out when I looked for it this morning. I figured a bunch of threads would show up when I typed E-Z pass, but I didn't see anything from this year. I'll try to use search more in the future; please remind me how to do that.
does anyone know if Illinois' ipass system gives a similar discount? i know it accepts ezpass, but i don't know if it also accepts the greenpass.
I think that your EZ-Pass is the same transponder technology that's called FasTrak on SoCal freeways. I have a FasTrak mounted behind the black dots on my '06 Corolla (soon to be replaced by a Prius) and it's never been a problem. In fact I've inadvertently had the thing in cupholders, gloveboxes and center consoles and it's worked.
I have a transponder for parking entry, and I just put it in that pocket in the door. It works well, and it's out of sight. Much better than sticking it somewhere on the dash.
My EZ Pass instructions said to avoid placing it behind tinted glass or in the glove compartment. I know many have said that it works fine in the glove compartment, and I don't really doubt that it does. But I'm a bit of a worrier, so I followed the instructions and mount mine on my windshield. For toll stations that require you to stop or go slowly and that signal to the driver when it has read your EZ Pass, there should be no problem with keeping it in the glove compartment -- if the toll station doesn't read the EZ Pass, one would just take it out of the glove compartment and hold it to the windshield until it has been read. But what about those toll stations that allow you to just blow through at highway speeds and that don't let you know that it has read your EZ Pass? I worry that if I put my EZ Pass in my glove compartment and such a toll station doesn't read my EZ Pass, then I might get unpleasantly surprised when I see my next monthly EZ Pass statement.
I don't believe that IL offers any discount like that. IL already charges I/EZ-Pass users half the toll rate of cash users. Additionally, I moved out to MD from IL a few years ago, but decided to retain my I-Pass because it works on EZ-Pass and IL charges NO monthly or annual fees whatsoever.
So I called EZ Pass yesterday to transfer the Prius onto my account. They would not let me do it until I got my real plates. Fine. I inquired about getting the green pass and I was told that the 2010 does not qualify. She said only up to the 2006 Prius. I think the woman has an outdated list. I was going to go down to the shore today, but between the rain and the thought of having to sit in the toll lines (she said I would risk violations if I used my EZ Pass in the Prius for now), I think I'll just stay home! I know there was a thread here about the 2010 qualifying and the Insight not, but I can't find it. Unless that was for something else.
I just moved my EZ Pass from one vehicle to the other, no problem. Later I did go online and update my user profile, but I don't think Virginia would care, especially since I moved it from one 2-axle vehicle to another.
I just saw this right on their site. That woman really needs a new list: A: The new PA Green Pass Discount Plan offers a special $4.00 toll rate to vehicles certified to the California Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) standard and achieve a United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more, and pre-model year 2005 hybrid vehicles which are certified to the California Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) standard and achieve a USEPA highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more. Currently eligible vehicles are: Honda Insight (2000 to 2004 models) Honda Civic Hybrid (2003 to 2009 models) Toyota Prius (2001 to 2010 models)
From the ezpass website: The following is a list of currently eligible vehicles*: Honda Insight - model years 2000-2004** Toyota Prius - model years 2001-2010 Honda Civic Hybrid - model years 2003-2009 *(No other alternate fuel or hybrid vehicles are eligible for the program at this time) **Note: 2005-2009 Honda Insights do not meet the eligibility criteria because they are not compliant with the SULEV emission requirements. They did tell me that I had to wait for my "real" registration card as opposed to the temporary one taped to my windshield, so I'm still waiting :-( You can use your old ezpass until you can get the new one. "Risk violations"??? Sounds like she needs a new job On a side note, I did try the glove box thing and the ezpass said "problem, please call" (I'm paraphrasing ) and I had to pull over and get out and get the ticket manually. It's now stuck up where my old one was with the re-used mounting tape. It worked fine on later trips. Robbin P.S. Enjoy the shore! I miss having relatives at SeaSide and Tom's River.