[font=Comic Sans MS:6fcfff6169]Hello, What is the best place to buy accessories for the Prius, such as rubber mats, rear bumper appliqué, cargo nets, etc? Is it the dealer? eBay? Online Stores? PriusChat store? Also, does anybody have anything strong either in favor or against the front mask (bra)? Does it affect MPG? Thanks![/font:6fcfff6169]
I went through the dealer for everything, but my husband works there and he gets a discount. I put a front end mask on mine because it's black like my car, and it protects against bugs and road debris. No noticeable MPG hit and it keeps the finish much cleaner. It's easy to just wipe off instead of trying to scrub the paint without scratching it! My avatar is a good pic of the mask, and there should be one or 2 more in my album if you want to check it out.
[font=Comic Sans MS:3603b3d496]Nice pictures, Galaxee! Thanks for the hints! Nothing like having an insider working for you, he? :mrgreen:[/font:3603b3d496]
Havn't needed anything recently but have had good luck in the past with www.carsontoyota.com www.metrotpn.com - nee www.toyotapartsnow.com As far as the bra, consider: If you live where it rains or if you leave it on when you wash the car water will get under it. The water can carry dust with it. Over time, this can cause zillions of micro scratches. Also, the paint under the bra won't fade. Remove it after a few years and you may well see a difference. I'm considering the clear plastic stuff myself as the Prius front end is so vulnerable.
[font=Comic Sans MS:2ed57d5592]Thanks, David! I checked their web site and indeed they have cheaper prices than any other internet store I visited thus far! I found all the accessories that I want to buy there, and will probably place an order soon. Good luck with your Prius arrival and delivery! You must be pretty anxious by now...[/font:2ed57d5592]
[font=Comic Sans MS:e8573de329]Thanks Smasho, the metrotpn.com site is great! Pretty good prices as well! Good points about the bra! I am still undecided, will have to sleep on that one![/font:e8573de329]
Yes and no. I've had my eye on this car since I saw a prototype on the Toyota website 2 years ago. I never buy in the first model year or the first year of a major re-design. So a few more months will be okay. Hopefully will have it in July so I can enjoy most of the summer with it. Isn't that what a new car is all about? By the way, I am also seriously considering the clear film front end protectant. I don't like the looks of a traditional black "bra" and they are a pain because you have to routinely remove them whenever the car gets wet.
I have never removed the bra on my car... the popular myth is that it'll fog the paint but that can be removed so really, I'm not worried about it. i don't plan on taking it off except to wax every 6 months. Since we don't plan on trading the car off until it has 150K miles on it, I'm not too concerned about long term resale value and really the appearance of the car is JUST the way I like it!
The black-on-black appearance on your car is fine as the bra visually disappears. But I won't be getting a black Prius (although I think they look very sharp) so I definitely don't want a black bra on a Tideland Pearl Prius. That's why I'm considering the clear film protectant instead.
Thanks Alfonso! I am very proud of my baby. AnOldHouse, the 05 is the second year of the new design. They have worked out all the design issues as far as I've seen. I haven't had trouble, but i've only had mine 2 months.
I shopped a number of places depending on what I was looking for. And yes, eBay too. http://www.toyotapartsstore.com/ http://www.metrotpn.com/ http://www.anythingtoyota.com/ http://www.kendalltoyotapartsonline.com/ http://www.ajprindle.com/ http://www.wheelskins.com/europerf_wheelsk...php?manu=Toyota http://www.dashdesigns.com/dash-covers.cfm http://www.gtcovers.com/ http://www.autoanything.com/ PriusHoods on eBay ToyotaDepot Deland Toyota Moscow Toyota Prius Hybrid Lightbulb Antenna Topper Prius Decals from Paul
I agree and that's why I'm now on a wait list for one. I resisted jumping on buying an 04 as much as I admired the design. I am actually very impressed that the 04's have had very few problems really.
If I have it done, I will definitely have the dealer do that one so they're responsible for doing it correctly.
Thanks, Godiva! I am sure this long list of places to shop will help a lot of us members of PriusChat.
I use to have a bra on a red 1998 Mustang. It looked sharp but was a lot of work. If you don't remove the bra often dirt will gather along the borders and scratch the paint. You will see this when the bra is off if you did not maintain it properly. I use to remove the bra for every wash which was once a week. Otherwise, the soap and dirt will flow behind the bra and scratch under it and will dry on the surface of the paint causing discoloration. A friend with a 1994 Mustang never took his off except for the wax jobs. The first time he took it off was already too late. The bra had marked his mustang across the hood permanently. He paid allot of money to repair the paint. I may get a bra because the bugs do a lot of damage. But I know I must remove it for the car was and rain. Before the rain is best, but you can just clean the bra and hang it to dry after the rain too. [Broken External Image]:http://www.scubadivervideo.com/images/mustang/mustangbra.jpg
Trying to get the flaps into and out from under the headlights is a huge pain in the butt. Good luck doing that WEEKLY or EVERY TIME IT RAINS... since it rains all summer here (hurricanes...) I said forget it. I remove the upper half regularly (monthly or so) and clean underneath. The lower half does a good job of keeping junk out because it's a very tight fit. I will let everyone know what my paint looks like in 4 months when it's time to wax again and you can make your decisions then about my way of doing things.
Bentdvr, I have a 2005 Millenium Silver as well, so many thanks for the picture! It sort of reminds me of the mask of Zorro!!!