Two bars to go, so I decided to stop for gas. I thought there was something wrong with the pump when it clicked off at just under a gallon. The attendatnt reset the pump but it still wouldn't take gas. OUtside temp is 62 so that can't be the problem. What do I do now?
definitely try another pump. some pumps overflow sensor gets activated and some take longer to reset which may explain why you couldnt fillup properly. i actually had a pump do that to me. i could fill it up, but it just took much longer to do it since like you, it shutoff almost right away. (i think it first stopped at around $2... eventually put about $15 in it)
After work, I stopped at a different gas station. Same problem although I did get two gallons in. Did the 04's have an issue with the gas tanks requiring a TSB or am I thinking of aonther vehiicle? Prius has only 2400miles so hope this isn't the start of an unfriendly car.
Try another. It might be out of gas or something. I've had that before but it was only pumping in a few cents at a time. Barely pumped a dollar, then I switched pumps.
I have a hard time filling my 05. Even on a very very slow rate " have to fill by squezing the handle"and when I do finally fill up it seems to want to belch gas out before I can get the gas cap on. Makes a big mess. I have used different pumps and its the same story.
Up until this past week, filling the Prius was no problem at all. I did notice on my last attempt that the filler neck seems sloppy. Tomorrow I'll call and set up an appointment at the dealership. I am tired of explaining to attendants why I am only buying one gallon of gas
I had reported a similar problem a while back. I have only really had a problem at one ARCO station, where none of the pumps will work for me, so I stay away from that station. Another ARCO station down the street does not seem to cause the problem. I usually fill up at COSTCO, Fred meyer, or Sams Club, and I have not had any problems at these stations.
I have never had any problems (knock on wood). However, i did have what you mentioned ot me once and when I talked to the attendant the storage tank was out of gas (diesel).
Jeri, If you are filling at the same stations that have worked fine for the last 6 months and aren't frequenting the cheap stations with the ancient pumps, I think a trip to the dealer is in order. Any pump I use kicks off about 8 gallons where I know I have used over nine. Then I have to trickle. Only once many months ago did it kick off really fast and not want to fill. I haven't tried that same pump since.
Your Prius has evolved to... Priusion and no longer needs fuel to operate. Congrats! I can\'t wait for my Prius to evolve.
I have had the same problem and have learned what pumps to use and not use. It is funny one pump at a station works fine the next does not. I have an idea that it involves the tight seal of the car and the sensitivity of the cut off. Keep trying different pumps.