Yesterday, my 2007 just started beeping. It's not exactly constant, but it isn't rare either. It's intermittant but frequent. It sounds similar to the beep when I touch my screen, but it is coming from the left front of the dash. I unplugged my cell, ipod and left them at home. i swapped my fob for my DH' avail. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Any warning lights come on the dash? Seatbelt? Did you leave something heavy on the passenger seat? Does it do it every trip, or just sometimes?
Passenger seat empty. No warning lights. It is not the seatbelt sound. That is a different beep than the one I heard yesterday. The new beep sounds like someone is touching the screen over and over and over very fast. It is doing it every trip. But just started yesterday.
Repeatedly, even if the car is off? I left my fob at home and traded it for my husbands because i thought that it might be the fob. Still beeping.
The beep with a weak fob battery will usually occur at shutdown. Do you have a cell phone or pager in the car that has a message waiting? Been there, done that.
No. It's good there. I realized that I didn't tell you all the # of beeps. In a 10 minute drive, it's probably 100 beeps.
You got me ... I haven't heard of that one before. Have you noticed if the Passenger Airbag light comes on when a beep occurs?
Is it high pitched, loud, and steady over the times it goes off? Any relation to use of the brake pedal? It might be the brake pressure alarm, and if you can stop and get your head down under to peer around up into the driver footwell while it's happening you may be able to localize the source. If it's coming from the little grey box attached to the brake computer mounted above the pedals, you have a hydraulic pressure problem. See this pic, although in real life the little grey beeper has a two-wire connector going into the front. . If it's coming from the lefthand stereo speaker in the door [or similar depending on which stereo you have] then it's more related to the screen and button-presses. . _H*
I made an appt yesterday to take it in tomorrow. They have it scheduled to have it all day. I just thought that perhaps someone here might have an idea what the problem may be.
It sounds like it is coming from somewhere high. Like the speaker in the dash near the tiny window. It could be coming from the speaker in the door, right near there too. It is not coming from near the pedals. I was thinking that it has something to do with the screen and button presses. But there was nothing touching the screen to make that beeping sound. Also, when I touch my screen, the beeping seems to come from somewhere more central in the dash. The unknown beep and the screen beep do not sound like they are coming from the same place.
So, the dealer could not replicate the beeping...go figure. They told me that they drove it a couple of times. Granted, it is about 30 degrees cooler here today than it was on Sunday when it was beeping up a storm. GAH.
I have the same issue its happens only if you go 60 miles per hour on freeway and its a long turn on left or right ! Im assume that it is some sensor that controlls the steering on high speeds to prevent sleeping of the driver! Im just about to replace steering rack shaft and pinions