Unfortunately, not so unusual in South Florida. There are about a dozen vacant high rise condos in Miami and there's a totally vacant (for two years) 25 story bankrupt twin tower in Sunrise, near my home. Terrible overbuilding and poor planning has resulted in a hugh condo oversupply. If you're interested, you can get one well below MSRP and no dealer fees.
The Vangelakos' will now have something in common with Mukesh Ambani. The Billion Dollar Home - Mukesh Ambani’s New Home in Mumbai (Bombay) : The Real Estate Bloggers
Man, just looking at that Billion dollar home makes me think of an unsteady stack in Jenga... I guess it's just the engineer in me. The damn thing looks like it'll fall over at the first earth quake, tornado, monsoon, strong wind, or fart from a mosquito...
It's not just condo's. Along route 20 between Hampshire and Marengo is a huge development, part golf course, part homes, and it used to be rolling fields of farmland, some of the very best in the country. Now its mostly empty weed filled lots and a decaying golf course. I cant tell you how many areas where I live that used to be rich farmland have been destroyed to put up houses, that are now empty lots and streets to nowhere. In fact some of the houses that were built, or in the process of being built are now used by the fire departments for training, and burned to the ground.
Honey I'll be right back, going to ask the neighbor do they have any Coke for my Jack.... oh, oh wait.....nevermind...