Yes, but unfortunately it sounds too much like a Paid Endorsement to me. It's a great review, not saying it's not valid, but I don't trust endorsements that are 100% positive. Even most 2010 owners in this forum can point out at least 1-2 drawbacks or negatives. I'd of liked it better if there was an ounce of critical review in her review. But it's nice. But why do I suspect there is a check from Toyota being deposited by a Vicki Butler-Henderson?
Obviously a paid commercial. Pay her enough money and she would make a 1987 Yugo GV look good. Keith P.S. I did like the external rear view mirrors with the turn indicators. Wish we had them as standard (or even factory optional) equipment.
Yes, she is being paid by Toyota to do a series of commercials for different models over here. This is definitely as sponsored review. Would Jeremy Clarkson's 'independent' opinion be more honest?
It's not a big deal to me so I don't want to start a huge debate, but she's not representing Fifth Gear within this piece, which is entitled "Vicki Butler-Henderson Toyota Prius Commercial" or at least that's the heading at Youtube. Again, not a big deal, but that's what I don't particularly like, imo it's a commercial, mascarading as an independent review. If I'm wrong and it is meant as a real review and not a commercial, then it's not a very good review. Again, imo, if giving a real review you should point out negatives as well as positives, and with all due respect to Toyota and the 2010 Prius, there are some negatives. People even Owners here have discovered and communicated them. It seems worse with this piece because it begins with her taking a pot shot at advertising and then claiming she is going to be "critical" and test in in the "Real World", but then she goes on to treat The Prius like some celestial Perfect Mobile. I just think things should be clear, if you are doing a commercial, do a commercial, if you are doing a review, do a review, but don't blur the line. It's bad advertising to do fake reviews, and it's bad reviewing to do a fake commercial. The fact that we are even debating this is indicative of a problem. That being said, I want the HUD, that's cool. I like the turn signals. I still don't like the idea of Dynamic Force Braking, or Lane Keep Assist. Unless my automobile is a late 60's VW Bug named Herbie, I don't want my car applying braking force or steering input for me. I would of hit the cow, called my insurance agent and had steaks for a year.
The 5th Gear TV program did do a review of the 2010 prius with another reviewer. In summary, they quite liked it but marked it down to 7 out of 10 because in their opinion it was ugly.
I agree. Perhaps a bigger question for her is what the people at Fifth Gear think about it. If this is a commercial, doesn't it cheapen the value of any journalistic reporting that happens in Fifth Gear? Like it or no, you don't have to order those option on a car. Also, if you happen to be "stuck" with them, you can always choose (a) not to use them or (b) to turn them off. I have both the Pre Crash System and the Lane Keep Assist. I choose to keep the former on at all times, and it has successfully deployed twice for me. I choose to use the latter infrequently, but I'm very glad for it on those occasions where it has great value -- driving late at night, in particular, when I may be tired or distracted. The LKA doesn't drive the car, it only warns as you are about to cross a lane marking and makes a small enough correction to keep you from crossing that lane. In any event, if you want to cross the lane marking you can "overpower" the system with one finger.