I owned a Prius for 10 minutes

Discussion in 'Dealers & Pricing' started by CPTPhil, May 30, 2005.

  1. CPTPhil

    CPTPhil New Member

    May 29, 2005
    My first new car dealer experience was in 1979 when I bought a brand new $5200 Datsun 310 hatchback. I paid extra for the undercoating and never got the right side mirror I was promised. I loved that car. It met emission standards and still took regular leaded gas while everyone else was waiting in line for unleaded.

    My second new car experience was this weekend. I walked into a NYC, borough of Queens, Toyota dealer on Saturday, asked about hybrids, and was shown a silver millennium option 5 Prius ($23,967 MSRP) still in the shop with the protective plastic still on it. Yes, it wasn’t even prepped yet. I wanted to see a Prius on a whim so I could see how much smaller than the Ford Escape and HiHy it might be.

    I was astonished at how roomy it was, especially the back seat. We went back into the showroom and I asked if we could make an appointment for a test drive. Again I was shocked when the salesman said "no problem wait here." He went back into the shop and brought the Prius up front on the street.

    The wife and I gave it a drive - fly by wire shift, power button, on screen display, park button, wow, we loved it and most important the wife felt comfortable driving it. We parked it in front of the dealer and everybody that walked by checked it out. Another salesman even brought another customer over to look at it. I told my salesman that we just started looking and I was worried that the 4.9 ground clearance might be a problem with the hump in my driveway. He said, "Measure it and give him a call." I said "will you hold the car for me until Sunday?" - he said "sure give me a call and you can make a deposit payment over the phone."

    During our test drive he told me that the B shift was for extra power, I said you mean like boost and he said yes. The car hadn't been prepped yet and after we parked I saw two slots behind the rear wheels and asked if that was for a trim package that was not installed yet. He said the slots were vents for the battery. After reading these forums afterwards I now know what the B is for and I think the empty slots might actually be for the lower rear spoiler but I am just guessing. Okay no big deal, not the first salesman that didn't know everything about what they were selling.

    I measured my current cars ground clearance, measured the driveway hump, called my insurance for an estimate, talked to the wife, and we finally decided the heck with the driveway, we liked the car, and any car we purchase might have a problem with the driveway and we didn't mind parking on the street anyway. We loved the car.

    I skipped the Memorial Day parade this morning, went to the dealer and told my salesman "it's a go." He said, "great, have a seat" and then he went to talk to his manager." He came back and we started filling out the order forms. I asked what he could do for me, low APR financing, mats and cargo nets, etc. He said that the other person that looked at the car while I was there the night before was willing to take the car immediately and was willing to pay $1500 over MSRP. He said his manager was angry that he promised to hold it for me. He said he was only giving it to me at MSRP because that is what he told me when we test drove it and the only reason he can do that for me is because he is the Asst. Manager. I told him okay, I'm easy, I don't need to haggle but I would appreciate anything he could do for me. I said I was going to need the VIN for my insurance and he said I would get a copy with the papers. I said I also needed the mileage and he said it was about 5 miles. We filled out the order forms, he ran my credit card for the $1000 deposit and then we filled out an application for financing. He said he would try to get the best rate for me.

    And then it happened. He said to me "The car I am going to give you is coming in on Wednesday." "It's the same car with the same options but it is brand new coming off the truck. The car you test drove was sold last night.â€

    I said, "Whoa, you mean the car you wrote me up for is not the car I saw and test drove." He said, "Yeah but you are going to get a brand new car. The car you looked at was sold and anyway everyone that comes in has driven it and it has 60 miles on it."

    I said I understand but I wanted the car I saw and thought I was buying. I liked the way it rode, I looked for dents and scratches, etc. how do I know the car coming in on Wednesday will be in the same condition with the same options. He said take a look at it when it comes in, it is exactly the same car.

    I said I am not very happy about this. Why didn't you tell me all this before I signed all the papers? I said I probably would have said thanks and done the deal but now I feel like I was tricked into buying a car that is not even delivered yet when I thought I was buying the car I had driven and was going to be able to pick it up as soon as it was prepped and paid for. I even said to him well if we are waiting for a shipment what about getting a different color because my wife would prefer a color instead of silver. He said that they were only getting a silver model the same as the one I looked at. I asked why didn't he tell me before signing all the papers and he said he didn't think it would be a problem. Then he leaves me alone while he gets the manager who comes back and asks me what the problem is. The manager says to him "Why didn't you tell him first? And he says he didn’t think it would be a problem and then they leave me sitting alone again.

    My salesman comes back and says okay will get the one you looked at back and give the other customer the new one when it comes in. I said I don't want the original one now if everyone has been driving it and it has 60 miles on it. Then he yells to the other salesman don't call your customer yet to tell him about the new car and he leaves me alone again. He comes back to me and I finally say refund my deposit and cancel this. I have bad feelings and I will never recommend this dealership to anyone. My salesman finally rips up the paperwork and processes a credit card refund slip for me.

    I walk out of the dealer and get about 20 feet away when the manager comes out and yells to me "so you cancelled the sale." I said yeah what was I supposed to do, If I can't trust you about buying the car how can I trust you with anything else, especially if there is a problem. I said buying a car is like a marriage; you don't wait until after get to altar and say, “I do†and then say oh by the way I didn’t really mean it. He said, “No it isn’t.†Then he said come here, I want to show you something and he showed me a car with the protective plastic still on it and started telling me how that was a new car and the one next to it with no plastic was in the lot for a week. I said thanks and walked away.

    Well first of all - thanks for letting me vent because I am upset about this whole situation especially about almost owning a Prius for about ten minutes - must be a world record. I am also upset because I would have understood that they couldn't hold the car for me and I would have been grateful to get the next one in. But tell me up front. Having me sign all the papers and then telling me I was getting a different car then the one I thought I was getting made very suspicious about this whole deal and dealership. How many times have they sold this car and told a customer to wait for the next one. What happens Wednesday when they tell me the shipment was changed or they didn't get the car they thought they were getting or it's a different option package or whatever. If I am going to wait for weeks at least let me order what I want.

    I hope I did the right thing and didn’t overreact because I would have loved to get the car but my intuition said this was a bad deal to get involved with.

  2. psirus

    psirus New Member

    May 12, 2005
    SF Bay Area
    No offense, but I think you overreacted. Many people are waiting weeks if not months for their Prius, and there is no reason to think that the car that you might get would be in any way inferior to the one you drove; these are new cars not used, after all, and similarly equipped should be virtually identical.

    Naturally, you should look over and drive the particular car you might buy, once it arrives, before closing the deal.

    What happened to you, though disappointing, is by no means a "bait and switch.' A similar thing happened to me; I was told in error that an on-lot Prius equipped the way I wanted had been canceled and I could get it right away. It turned out that wasn't the case, but I could get one the same color and with the same equipment within a week. I agreed and got it within a few days. I've had it a month now and am delighted.

    You can't trust dealers 100% and need to be skeptical, but Toyota dealers don't have to resort to cheap tricks to sell these cars, which have the shortest turnover between arriving and being purchased of all current vehicles.

    I do advise you turn down all of the high-margin dealer extras they all seem to try to get you to buy when closing the deal.

    Can it be you didn't fully trust your own decision to buy the Prius in the first place? Maybe you need to spend more time learning about it and test driving it before buying -- from any dealer.
  3. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    [font=Comic Sans MS:3aefac6821]You did the right thing! While it must have been painful, that dealer is a sleezeball and a disgrace to Toyota. Find another dealer! There are thousands of new Prii that will be delivered to Toyota dealers all over the country. You will be able to get your car.

    My closest Toyota dealer is also a sleezeball, so I never give them any business. I'd rather drive a few miles and trust the company and person I deal with.[/font:3aefac6821]
  4. eastercat

    eastercat New Member

    Mar 29, 2004
    Dallas, TX
    I think it all depends on your personality.
    You sound like someone who needs to
    be comfortable with your dealer. What
    happened shook your trust.
    For some people, they are able to overlook
    the events that transpired between you and
    the dealer.
    Because you are not, you may have to
    wait a little longer, but you will be happy
    with the experience you have when you
    do buy your car.

    My $0.02,
  5. CPTPhil

    CPTPhil New Member

    May 29, 2005
    Thanks for your comments. I am lucky I am not in a rush. Waiting for a 2006 with the features I want is still an option.

    I started out looking at the Ford Escape Hybrid but got hooked on the Prius after the test drive. Perhaps the Highlander is a better choice for me but I need to drive it first to find out. I don't like the reviews and ratings that the Ford is getting compared to the Toyota.

    I just think that spending more than 26k after taxes and fees entitles me to better treatment.

    It puts doubts in my mind about everything else I was told or will be told later on by this dealership.
  6. Emilyjohn

    Emilyjohn New Member

    Apr 17, 2005
    CPTPhil, in this case, whether you did the right or wrong thing is purely personal. You were there; you had to call the shots. My fear is that you might buy another type of vehicle, and we might lose you as a contributor to this great website. I hope that you get back in the race for a new Prius pronto.
  7. Fredatgolf

    Fredatgolf New Member

    May 6, 2005
    :iagree I, too, think you did the right thing and am concerned that you may not get a Prius. I was once mistreated by a dealer and told him, "I don't want your car, I want your job. If you can treat customers this way and still sell cars you are no more than a dealer who can fill out papers." I then ended up with the worst car I ever had.
    I ordered my Prius from 5 dealers who live within an hour of where I live since there is no penalty if you don't accept the car when it arrives. The local dealer, from whom I had purchased several Toyotas, told me there would be a $2000 surcharge. None of the other dealers charged a surcharge. Even though I have always really liked the local dealer, (and I am not easy to please where dealers are concerned) I would have never bought the car from him. The dealer I did purchase the car from I like even better and will gladly drive the extra distance for service. By the way, my new dealer had my new Prius in my hands within a month of initial contact. Get the Prius from someone, it's worth it!
  8. dreichla

    dreichla New Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    I too agree with you.

    The right dealer makes ALL the difference. My story?

    I had a Prius on order for 3+ months. That dealer did nothing but sit passively by and wait for his allocations to arrive.

    I started calling around to other dealers. After some time, I started getting calls from other dealers (one in particular) who were really working to find me a car (mind you, I didn't even have a deposit with them!)

    But, ultimately, I found a car 14 hours away by a GREAT dealer who found a car on a ship being delivered to port, traded his allocated car with my car, and delivered it within 2 weeks. And even though we're home now, they're still calling to check up on how things are going.

    IMHO THAT'S WHAT A GOOD DEALER SHOULD DO. That made this experience my best since I started buying cars.

    The great, honest dealers are out there. It's a shame that particular dealer put you through that. It's also a shame that Toyota has created a situation of inadequate supply vs. demand which has fueled the greedy tendencies of SOME dealers.

    Good for you for sticking to your guns.
  9. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I think you did the right thing. I also think you over reacted, but I would have too under the same circumstances. I don't tolerate deception, ignorance or lying.
  10. Anbreen

    Anbreen New Member

    May 29, 2005
    San Diego
    I think you did the right thing, too. My dealer, Eric @ Kearney Mesa Toyota in San Diego, was GREAT. If he had been an donkey, I would have walked!

    But, DO pursue this car from another dealer. It's worth it.
  11. Kesey

    Kesey New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
    No question about it, you did the right thing.

    Psirus, it's suckers like you who would put up with a dealer doing that to you that makes the car buying experience bad for everyone. If you think that deceptive behavior is OK, dealers will continue to deceive.
  12. BobA

    BobA New Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Denver CO
    2004 Prius
    I think you did the right thing... that's worth 20 points.. when we were looking we found a used Prius on a lot..the salesman played the ' I have to check with the sales manager game' .. we were in the WE WANT IT NOW mood...we were willing to pay cash if the price was right, but they moused around too much, and we left...

    we came home and from the computer and the confort of home, went to toyota.com... 'built' our Prius and in hours had replies from all the dealers in the area... the price and deal was set in an e-mail and the next time we went to the dealership was to sign papers and pick up the car..no muss or fuss....... I will NEVER buy a car any other way..

    Bob Andersen
  13. psirus

    psirus New Member

    May 12, 2005
    SF Bay Area
    Kesey, I don't appreciate being called a sucker, and in fact I don't support putting up with any sort of dealer nonsense.

    However, CPTPhil's:
    -- rather impulsive decision to choose a Prius
    -- his still considering some other sort of hybrid rather than the Prius simply because of the crappy practices of one dealer
    -- his now talking about waiting for the 2006 model Prius though he seemed to want one NOW, and
    -- his seeming to think that another similarly equipped newly received Prius would probably have something wrong with it . . .

    all suggest that his decision to buy is not well founded and his knowledge of the many benefits of the Prius versus other nominal hybrids is rather sketchy.

    Of course none of us should buy from dealers we do not trust, but somehow he seems to interpret his experience as distrust of the car itself.

    THAT is what I consider a "mistake." And I join voices with those of you who hope that the experience doesn't discourage him from joining the ranks of happy Prius owners.
  14. popoff

    popoff New Member

    Mar 20, 2005
    western NC mountains
    That says it all.

    Find a dealer you feel comfortable with and buy a Prius! It's a delightful car.
  15. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    personally i think you over-reacted but i wasnt there and you are the one who has to live with your actions so if u aint comfortable with it, dont do it. buying a car is as close to a controllable lifestyle decision as most will make, just too many regrets if u r not careful

    as for me, i waited waay too long for my Prius and was not willing to wait another day to get it. of course i didnt have any complaints, never test drove the vehicle i bought because i had total faith in the vehicle i picked and i would not have wanted the test drive vehicle anyway. (the one i test drove 7 6½ month prior had over a 1000 miles on it anyway and i even had to wait in line to test drive it!!) my car had 0.6 miles on it when i got it and that was because my salesman took it to the gas station to fill it up.
  16. CPTPhil

    CPTPhil New Member

    May 29, 2005
    Hello All,
    Thanks for all of your comments, I appreciate the support and this is a great forum. I learned more reading the posts on this site than I did reading the Consumer Guides and other magazines or even the manufacturer web sites.

    So here is a quick response about my rationale.

    Our family car is a 1992 Dodge Dynasty, great car, roomy, comfortable ride and 80K mileage. My better half drives it every day in Queens, NYC, she drops me off at the train, grocery shopping, picks up our son at the train, etc. My gas bill is $75 to $85 per month or more if our college boys are home from school. The A/C stopped working recently and the expense of fixing it - $1500 plus - was not worth it to me to spend on a 92 car.

    So we decided the beginning of summer was a good time to get a new car. We thought a mid-size SUV would be a good choice to give us the comfort and room we wanted so we looked at the Escape - right size, plus good mileage but $35K. That turned me on to Hybrids. As you all know the Ford Hybrid is licensed from Toyota. Hybrids turned me on to Highlander - 35K plus. Highlander got me into Toyota dealer. Toyota dealer gave me a test ride in a Prius.

    What more can I say. As you all know, how can I think about any other car after driving a Prius and knowing it's 10K less than the Ford or Highlander.

    So I am not in a rush to buy, hence the 2006 thought, and Highlander Hybrid is an "unknown" until I actually see one and drive it. The salesman that started this whole thread told me the Highlander they were getting in at his dealer was priced at $46K.

    The Prius is somewhat of a mid-size starter into the Hybrid line and most important of all is that the wife liked driving it. The only concern we had was in regard to roof racks, luggage room, and driving with friends on occasional trips but those are not show stoppers.

    Obviously I am somewhat impulsive but on the other hand my impulses are generally based on an analysis of the situation.

    So Prius seems to be the best choice for us (for now). :?
  17. CPTPhil

    CPTPhil New Member

    May 29, 2005

    In regard to the new car promised??? to me this week instead of immediate delivery on the car I drove --

    I didn't expect to have a problem with another new car although that is what I said to the salesman. My true fear was that the story would changed each week and I would wind up waiting months for my car to show up or a totally different model would appear and I would be offered the option??? of paying much more to take delivery.

    When I was 10 yeas old my dad let me lose around $50 at a carnival trying to win some stupid prise I never won. I learned when to cut bait.
  18. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The Escape is actually a compact SUV.
  19. Ron Dupuy

    Ron Dupuy New Member

    Nov 12, 2004
    Fortuna, CA
    2005 Prius
    I waited 6 months. I would have bought it and then serviced it at another dealer. The guy's a creep, but who cares.
  20. Fredatgolf

    Fredatgolf New Member

    May 6, 2005
    CPTPhil -
    Thanks for bringing us up to date, everything you say makes sense to me.
    You say, however, "The Prius is somewhat of a mid-size starter into the Hybrid line..."
    The way I think of it, the Prius is the Hybrid line in the sense that it is the only car (except for the Insight) that builds on the technology from start to finish. I think you see from all these messages what Prius owners feel. I am sure you will do a good job of making a decision and regardless of what you buy, you will not forget Priuschat.