Last night I decided to take my kids to the mall. On the way a driver next to me freantically motioned to me to roll my window down. I thought to myself..."what the heck happened to my day old car? A soft tire?, Did I hit something and not realzie it?". When I opened the window, the man yelled " just wanted to tell you that I want your car!" lol I also get a lot of wistful looks from the many Gen II prii owners in our area.I live at the shore so it seems that Seaside Pearl Prii are everywhere! Anyone else have reactions to their new Gen III baby like this?
As I was coming out of the grocery store a couple of weeks ago this guy was standing next to my Prius and admiring it. He asked me a couple of questions as I was trying to get into my car. Some co-workers of mine are oohing-and-awing at the car and one of them wanted a detailed inspection (lol).
Get use to it! I have a 2006 and get people stopping me all the time asking question about. I love it :welcome:
An old woman came buy to ask questions. Two senior citizen couples were looking at it and finding the differences to their Priuses II. A teenage asian girl said it was cute as she passed by. In general positive reactions but it is not making an impression with my demographic (35 male) or to the other important demographic: 25-35 females
It happen to me once. At the traffic light, a guy (50-60's) asked me is it Pruis the 2010 model, and how is the mpg? Of course, it made me feel really nice.
I gave a reaction to one today. I was driving to work and was a bit on edge because I nearly hit a woman and a dog when they ran into the street. Apparently the little chihuahua was chasing the woman and she was beating it off with an umbrella and thought running in the street would solve the problem. Maybe she was hoping I would hit teh dog. Anyway, a minute after that I passed this house that had their 2010 Blue Ribbon nicely displayed in their driveway and I shouted "DAMMIT I WANT MINE!!!!" I'm sure they didn't hear me, but still...
I love that term "Prius Envy". The term was coined way back in 2004. Perhaps earlier. BTW... About three weeks ago I'm sitting in a parking lot near Stabucks sipping my frappachino and a guy asks me " Is that the 2010"???? DUH..... It is an '04 I reply. Granted I have a shark fin and a few other chrome ad-ons but anyone should be able to tell the difference.
We just ordered Chinese food for delivery and the guy came in his GII Prius to make the delivery. My car is in the garage but my dads is in the street out front. Well as he was walking back out to his car he must have spent 3 minutes walking around my dads car, crouching down at times, just to look at it as well as checking out the inside. My dad couldn't beleive it! Then I thought of this thread and couldn't resist posting about the whole thing.
In general, I've found that cars that look somewhat unusual/stand out and are currently new/rare initially get a lot of positive attention. That was definitely the case w/my 04 350Z in the first few weeks I had it. I'd never experienced that w/any car I've ever owned or driven before. I was hoping for more attention from the important demographic to me, Asian females 23-35. Oh well... Back to the Prius, 2nd gens are so common here in California that they get no attention at all.
What color is your car? I'm sure certain colors attract a lot more attention than others. I have the winter grey -- granted, it has only been a few days and the weather has been rainy or overcast most of the time, so it's not the best time to show off my new car -- but I don't think people really notice it because, well, it's grey! I think the color extremely classy and subtle. It ranges from neutral grey to blue, purple, and black, depending on lighting. I also think the lines of the new car are beautiful. It looks so much less chunky than the previous generation. The open roof makes it look high tech and futuristic. But so far nobody seems to have noticed.
Mine is the classic silver. At first I wasn't thrilled with the silver because I thought it made the car look like a tin can...and I wanted a black car, but (I wasn't willing to wait till one showed up..and got the silver IV for the same price as a black III), in the past four days since my baby has been home it has really grown on me. When it is sunny it shines with a whitish -silver color...sort of a platinum patina (they should rename the color "platinum"!). I think the new styling really is much more classy than the gen IIs. I traded my 2007 seaside pearl gen ii for my gen III. I loved my gen II to death until just about everyone at the NJ shore who bought a gen II purchased it in that blue I received many compliments on my gen II (named Titanic...don't ask, but the real compliments came from friends who rose in the car... I think that Prii must have the smoothest ride out there.
I did a day trip a couple of weeks ago with a couple of friends and one of them commented that the Prius had a smoother ride than my '08 Highlander Hybrid.
Well, my love of wordplay led me to wondering if I can now claim to all of those that have the previous generations of Prii that: "My Prius is bigger than yours!" :bolt:
I picked up my daughter and a friend who is a guy -- both will be high school juniors. He said he loved the car! And as I was explaining the gas mileage and the feedback on the screen and demonstrating that the car turns itself off each time it stops (a particularly impressive silence with the AC off and the radio off!), he kept saying, "that's tight!" It's the newest slang for "that's cool," and I considered it quite a compliment for the car from a high school guy!