Don't do what I did and not realize that the dash light that is an exclamation point with a flattened circle around it is the low tire indicator. The light came on and I didn't know what it was. I had left the manual at home, so I couldn't look it up. Apparently I drove over a nail or something, and the tire was getting lower and lower without me realizing it. After a while the car starting making a funny sound... which was me driving on a completely flat tire. Fortunately, the car wasn't harmed, but I ruined a perfectly new tire that had been driven on a mere 200 miles for all of four days! When I got out the jack to put on the spare and figured out how to put it together, I first started jacking the car up with the jack too close to the tire and not correctly on the solid metal frame. I noticed a bulging piece of plastic trim and quickly put the car back down and figured out where the jack needed to be. Again, no permanent damage, thankfully. Discount Tire didn't even have the tire in their system yet, and it took a week and a half to get a tired shipped form CA to CO. Imagine having to garage your brand new Prius waiting for a replacement tire! Perhaps I can claim the first Prius 2010 flat tire.
i wish i have read this before my accident on my garage.. i was doing my laundry and i didnt know the hatch is very tall so i hit the garage damaging my spoiler anybody knows a place here in LA where i can have this fixed? private message me pls. thanks in advance. p.s. the damage is like a pea size but it's visible anybody that can give me a quote welcome.
I don't have a 2010 yet but it's probably the same. Don't walk away from the car with your fob in your pocket/handbag while someone else is driving! While there are 3 little beeps when this happens, if you are surrounded by traffic noise or your hearing isn't that good, you might not hear the warning. The driver can drive away without realizing anything is wrong, but once he/she stops the car, it won't start back up! This happened to me. My boyfriend was driving my car and dropped me off at work. He was going to go shopping but decided not to and drove straight home instead. Good thing he did! If he had driven somewhere else and turned off the car, he wouldn't have been able to pick me up or drive home!!
Hi: We have companies that do these types of repairs here in Newfoundland and seeing their work first hand I am impressed. I googled your area and found this: PAINTLESS DENT REPAIR IN SAN FRANCISCO CA DENT REPAIR SAN JOSE DENT REMOVAL SAN FRANICISCO - DENTS DOCTOR Â PAINTLESS DENT REMOVALÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â We specialize in PAINTLESS DENT REMOVAL, restoring your car to its factory shine without the need Just one possible option. All the best..... Edward Marystown, Newfoundland Canada
Only bad thing I have done so far is put a tint strip across the top of the windshield. Looks great, only problem is I have a V w/ATP and now the front camera to track the road marks doesn't work correctly because it can't see them. DOOOHHHH!!!! Oh well, fortunately I don't have a need too often to use that feature. I will probably at some point have a small section cut out to give its vision back as it will be a nice feature for those long drives. Am totally loving this car though. Have had it not almost 5 weeks and have already put 2800 miles on her. One of the best cars I have ever owned.
Well this is not something I did wrong but today, a mere 13 days since I got my 2010 Black Prius I got in the car after going to a store and the windshield (passenger side) has a huge crack in it. I took it to the dealer and he showed me that the windshield had been hit by a rock just below the windshield wiper on the passenger side and then today it spread (about 2 and 1/2 feet now). I don't even remember a rock hitting the windshield. Now I have to get the windshield replaced and using insurance. If you hear a stone hit your Prius check even below the wipers. I don't know if I could have stopped it if I had known, but I would have liked the opportunity to try.
I lost a windshield on a previous car to a similar rock strike. It's location was known prior to the crack extending, but only because I knew it had been hit and kept looking until it was found. The windshield repair folks I contacted won't touch anything that close to an edge, for fear of destroying the windshield during the repair. I haven't gone in for any chip repairs for quite a few years, partly out of laziness, partly out of a cynicism that the only chips they are willing to repair are the ones that aren't going to turn into large cracks anyway. None have proven me wrong yet.
My husband and I got out of the car and pressed the lock button on the key fob. Doors won't lock. We had left the dog in the car (it was a foggy night in SF, btw). So, thought that if there's someone in the car, the doors won't lock. Came to realize we didn't turn off the power. Good lesson learned.
Don't have my Prius yet. So does this mean that when you leave the car the car does not automatically turn off and the battery can run out?
Ha! That's funny. My phone got stuck in the cup holder, too! Took me 5 minutes to get it out. Felt a little foolish for a minute.
... so.. below 8mph and the parking pin will drop. it doesn't damage too much. i've had it happen a few times and have yet to lose my parking pin. above 8mph and it goes into neutral. if the 12v line grounds out.. the pin drops, no matter what speed!
always be sure to turn off your car before exiting. if you have smartkey, it beeps at you 3 times when the doors shut, if you fail to power down.
Yes, that's exactly what it means. You have to hit the power button when you want to shut it off. If you leave it on, not only will the battery run out, but someone can just get in and drive it away... just like leaving the engine running in any other car.
Hmm, one would think with all the electronics in the Prius the parking pawl would not be engaged at that speed. Why 8MPH? Doesn't make sense to me. Why not 1MPH or 0? Seems as if it's an accident waiting to happen with the Park switch so close to other controls. I don't get it.
Two weeks ago gave my Prius IV a "bath" at the local car wash. Got out of the car...gave it to the car wash attendant and walked to the mini-mart inside. Of course, the car wash attendant turned off my Prius at the end of the car wash line and then couldn't restart it. I had the key fob in my pocket. OOPS! Luckily, it was a slow enough day that my car wasn't "rear ended" by approaching cars off the line. You need to put the keys on the seat at the car me!
Hmmm, this sounds like a bummer! Can anyone with Gen III knowledge confirm that this will occur? My gf and I often each have a key on us and I could see this happening. Thanks, radio
It is true. BTW, if both of you have a key on you, everything is fine. The problem (if it is one!) happens only if the car is left running without any key inside.
already hit the garage door... spoiler has little white marks now. meh, doesn't bother me that much as i don't obsess over trying to maintain a pristine car. left the car on when i went to the library w/ my kid... when i tried to lock the door, it kept beeping and i had no idea why. w/ the engine silent, i didn't know. i came back to the car a couple of minutes later and realized that i had left the car on. i told my kid, if you hear that same beeping when mommy drives the car, let her know she didn't turn off the car. i swear, a couple of days later, she did the same thing! lol, luckily, my kid was with her to tell her to check if she left the car on.