Would someone, actually anyone...please help me (tell me) once you get to the step of entering 1111 into your (Katana) phone what do you do. Just punching 1111 does nothing, there has to be something else... what is it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I don't know your phone specifically. You should have a menu on your phone for Bluetooth. You have to turn on the Bluetooth feature. Then there should be a feature for set-up or search for device (within the Bluetooth set-up). Once you have located your Prius Bluetooth then you have the option to enter your code. Once entered you should see a flashing blue light on your phone. This will let you know your connection worked. Hope you have a great 09
On my phone, a Helio, the instructions say to enter "0000". The "1111" in the Toyota bluetooth did nothing for my phone. When I made it home and did some research, I tried again with the "0000" as directed in my phone. POOF! It connected, and has never had a problem since. You might recheck your phone instructions and try what it tells you.
And welcome to Prius chat, by the way! Enjoy all the info here from all the wonderful folks who so readily share their knowledge with all of us! :welcome:
I just got my first ? (i plan to keep it for a long time) Prius yesterday. It has Bluetooth. so yesterday i easily set up my Razr phone with the Bluetooth Hands free on the car. The quality of the sound, especially the volume, greatly exceeded my expectations. I am so pleased. No more hassling with my bluetooth headset and risking brain cancer by wearing it. It was straightforward and easy and quick to set up Bluetooth for the Razr (although i still have a lot to learn about using the system, and couldn't find anything about it yet in the user manual, though i did find a brief section in the Quickstart guide). Anyway, so the Razr my private personal cell phone. Today, i tried to connect my work cell phone, a Motorola i615. I followed the same steps and under 'Discover devices,' it found the Prius bluetooth, but then when i clicked OK, it said "Unable to connect." I went to 'link to devices' and it found the Prius HANDS FREE device name, and when i selected it and clicked OK, it gave me a field to type the pin code into, which the Prius told me was 1111. The phone said that it accepted the pin and saved it. But when i tried to use the Prius bluetooth to make a call, the Prius said "Connection failed," or something like that. I read the instructions in the phone user manual. I'm not sure where the problem is. I turned my Razr off so that it wouldn't interfere. But so far, i can't use my work phone with the Prius bluetooth, and that's the main phone i need to use in the car. I have another question, maybe related--if i have both phones paired with the Prius and both are turned on, does that create a problem? What if i disable automatic connection and require permission request before accepting connection? Happy new year and bon voyage to all.
Check your motorola phone manual for a pin number there...as I reiterated above, my Helio wanted a "0000". Once I entered that into the prius pin instead of "1111", my phone connected perfectly. I don't know about multiple phones at once I'm afraid.
Bluetooth implementations very widely by make and model, so there are often quirks and problems with pairing. The Prius works as a very large hands-free headset, and will appear under the name HANDS FREE when you look for (discover) bluetooth devices with your cell phone. Read your cellphone manual to determine how to enabel bluetooth, do discovery, and pairing. The pairing process is where you need the code number. The Prius can connect with only one cell phone at a time. You can have other paired phones in the car, but only one selected. By default the Prius will look for the last selected phone if you enabel auto-connect from setup on the MFD menu. You can manually select the other phone from the MFD menu, which will then disconnect the first phone. Tom
I just bought a 2005 Prius and the bluetooth worked fine, then when I tried to phone out all indications were is was connecting, but no sound nothing then it was disconnected by the network. I also found I could not receive incoming calls. When I got a call my phone would ring, but I couldn't answer it. I'm hoping this is not a job for the dealership to fix
i don't know if you got this fixed yet, but if not, you could try going to the dealer, telling them you just got the car and are new to it and are not clear about how to get the bluetooth working. This is common, people try to hook it up and seem to be doing all the steps right, but it doesn't work. Once, i switched from my work phone to my private phone because i needed a new charger for the work phone, it was dead. When i got the new charger and wanted to use the work phone again, i couldn't get it to connect, i tried and tried. I drove to the dealer (this was a 2 year old 2007 i had bought used this year) and they didn't ask me about any warranty info or anything, the service guy just sat in my car and got the phone working, no questions asked. It actually was still under warranty but they didn't ask. embarrassingly, he was able to just make it work in two seconds doing what i already thought i did, one of those things where as soon as you get it to the mechanic, it works fine. But if you are still having trouble, i think that's worth a try.
You got me to thinking, so I went to the car and looked what I had put in for the code, it was 1212. so I removed that code and inserted 1111 It works just fine Many thanks:rockon::rockon: