Hi Folks, My lovely 2007 Prius needs a 15,000 mile service. The Toyota dealer in Little Falls (on Route 46) wants $269. I think its time to find another service center! Can anyone recommend a north Jersey dealer/service center that they trust? Thanks and have a great holiday weekend! Kris
Hi! Klagreca! I personally can't help. I'm still on the wait list. However, I have read many posts regarding this subject with varing replies. The PC members range from those who may never have popped a hood to those who do all of their own maintainence, to Toyota Certified Service reps. So, replies vary greatly and often make assumptions about the abililty of the member asking the question as well as the availibility of reliable service options. I'm sure that it's easier to find a reputable service option in San Fransico than somewhere in Montana. DIYers are comfortable doing their own maint and are knowledeable enough to know what they need to have done by the dealer and how to follow up to be reasonably sure that the dealer did right bythem. Prius mechanically knowledgeable members may know how to DIY but choose to have the dealer perform the maint for many difference reasons. And then there are those that would be left at the mercy of the dealers if it wasn't for the member here at PC that are willing to share their time and help us newbies, or newbies to be. Somewhere between the bare minimum dealer involvement that some suggest and giving the dealer "carte blanc", there has to be a happy medium where you can depend on the dealer to notice or check for signs of potential problems and perform reasonable PM in addition to the bare minium listed in the manual. Some like dealer service during warranty since it cuts out the thrid party finger pointing, if there are warranty issues. So, my request to the senior members is this. If there is a dedicated thread, that would help us, newbies, sort though the quagmire of opinions, we would appreciate it immensely. If not, could we start a thread that would address standard maintenence recommendations by some type of category. Like DYI rating or "verify dealer did it right" rating or I'm really winging it here. Somehow if it could give us newbies, that need to depend on dealer service, a method of maintaining a reasonable comfort level in dealing with dealer service. Do's, Don'ts, Be carefuls, Follow-ups, etc. I have no idea of a format. Just brainstorming as to what may be a really helpful thread to newbies and existing members alike. It may be an unreasonable request but I though I'd throw it out to the members. Any and all sincere suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And thank you in advance for your thoughts and replies.
Just something I forgeot to address in my previous post. I understand that some of the dealer service charges seem high when compared to what you are used to in a conventional vehicle. However, the Prius IS a unique vehicle and much of the maint that was easy or even somewhat difficult to perform, but definately DIY items, now may require a certified trained Prius technician, special tools and equipment, and may well take more time. So this is also where the more experienced members can be of help to help us identify what many be reasonable or valid type of charges that are above and beyond what we are used too spending. Again I realize that this is difficult because of so many variables, but perhaps at least some basic guidelines, or a data base type format similar to tracking MPG, to track service charges would help establish, like for mpg, whats reasonable and whats not.
To klagreca, Your idea to find a new service center is well founded. If you look in your "Passport" scheduled maintenance booklet, you'll see that very little extra beyond your previous 2 service intervals is required [just some additional visual inspections probably taking only about 10 to 15 minutes more (if even that)], so only SLIGHTLY more expensive than the previous 2 services. I hope you didn't pay more than $50 to $60 for each of them (most of mine have been around $35 to $40), since they were only for oil/oil filter changes & tire rotations. Even your 30,000 mile service (don't ever ask for a "XX,000 mile service" or you'll pay for things that can't even be done on a Prius---just ask for only the things required in the "Passport" booklet) shouldn't cost any more than the 5,000 & 10,000 mile services if you do the engine air filter & cabin air filter yourself. They're both very simple & take only about 2 minutes for the engine one & maybe 5 minutes for the cabin air filter [which my dealer wants $69.95 (on special) to do. The price of the filter is only about $20, so the other $49.95 is for 5 minuets of labor---very expensive because 5 minutes times 12 = one hour. That means that dealer would make $50 (rounded off) times 12 or $600 per hour just for the labor if he changed a dozen of the cabin air filters. I hope somebody from your state can give you some good recommendations for a new dealer/service center. To dwreed3rd, Your ideas are excellent suggestions that I would hope get adopted here very soon. So many new ownwers are being taken advantage of without a consolidated topic to locate the scattered info that is already here on this site. It's just so hard to use the search function to efficiently locate the exact nature of your question. I know there have been topics or questions already asked, but without the correct words or combination of words, I haven't been able to find the posts without extreme difficulty (or maybe not even at all). Maybe Pete or the moderators can find a way or the time to start consolidating the types of posts you mentioned into a master heading, then broken down further into the types of sub-headings you also mentioned. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
dwreed3rd, Ken, Thanks for your help! Yeah, I won't take my lovely Prius to a "quick lube" place. I'll definetly stick with a Toyota dealer. But given your input, I'm telling them "oil change only." I can easily change the cabin air filter. Thanks again, Kris
Galaxee has a sticky post about what you need & don't need. I bought air filters on line from a Toyota dealer to change myself. Anyone can do an oil change. That should be all you need at 30K.
Try Community Auto Service on Franklin TPK in Ramsey. They're a certified installer for The Tire Rack . com and do a great job maintaining my Prius and my Highlander. Very honest, reaonably priced and reputable.