I would like to see specific solutions members have used to solve exterior cleaning problems. There was an excellent discussion not too long ago on the cloth upholstery. I am currently bothered by a huge deposit of tree sap on the front of my car. Any ideas?
I would be very hesitant to use nail polish remover on your car. Think about what it does to nail polish; I'd be concerned about it doing the same thing to the paint. There are several products like Goo Gone you could use. I've used Goo Gone to remove tape and label residue from glass, etc. It should be fine for your car. I think it's citrus based.
I think you are right about Goo Gone. I HAVE solved the problem. After discussions with a couple of local paint companies and auto parts dealers that went nowhere, I called the service department at the dealer. The only thing they could say is that they would get it off for me when I brought it in. They are 40 miles away and I didn't want to wait that long so I went to my last resort, the greatest car sales person in the world, the one who sold me the Prius. She pointed out that paint thinner or turpentine would work and to be sure and treat with the Toyoseal afterward. I then remembered that this is what I used to use years ago. The process was not fast because the sap was so heavy, but it did dissolve after considerable effort and after application of the Toyoseal, looks great. By the way, the greatest salesperson in the world is Kellie Keller at Rick Hendrick in Fayetteville, NC. That's just a personal opinion of course. She's done a ton of stuff for me, not the least of which is getting me my Prius in one month. In turn, I have furnished her considerable info from this group and she now gives out the site address to all Prius customers.
I'm glad you got it solved. I'm afraid I'll be one of those car owners that freaks out when a bird poos on their car or something. (when I actually get my Prius, that is. :? )
[font=Comic Sans MS:47386e9087]As a rule of thumb, if water won't remove it (bird poo is water soluble, and can be quite damaging of not removed) try naptha (lighter fluid). A commercial photographer friend told me this is what the styling experts use on the cars and trucks he photographs for the manufacturers. Gets rid of any gooey residue. Of course, test on a hidden spot first, and apply a sealer/wax after.[/font:47386e9087]
Dear Fredatgolf, I have the answer. While the car is in the shade and car is cooled off. Get Dawn Dishwashing Liquid. Yes "Dawn". Extra Strength. Take a wet cloth, drench it with Dawn, and lay it on the sap for as long as you can. 1/2 Day or longer. I did mine for 2 - 3 days because I was an idiot and allowed the Pine Tree Sap to dry for a week or two on my Prius Hood. After the Hours/Days of Soaking I could use my fingernail and remove some of the sap deposit. More soaking with Dawn and the rest came off. I got this solution by calling Auto Body Shops around Sedona Arizona. One guy gave me the info about Dawn. Good Luck Moby Whaley <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Fredatgolf\";p=\"93519)</div>
Dear Fred at Golf, How is your tire wearing? Even? Please let me know. Hope you got my reply to your post about tree sap. Sincerely, Moby Whaley <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Fredatgolf\";p=\"93519)</div>
I had what I think was tree sap - on the hood, top, and windows. Since my car is black I didn't notice it until the drying stage. I left it like that for a week and took it to the car wash. they couldn't get it off with the "various products" they tried. One guy was using a razor blade on the windows! The first thing I tried when I got home was toyoguard - didn't work - acetone (on the windows) very tedious. Finally tried goo gone (actually I think it was 'goop') It worked like a charm. I use a whole roll of paper towels but it took about 10 minutes then I washed the car to get rid of the goo gone I went back to the car wash and clued them in. I'm not sure what was on my car - maybe tree sap
Moby, I did read your post about Dawn. I have had my Prius for less than 2000 miles so I don't have any feedback about my tires. I wonder why you ask, are you having a problem with yours?
Yes Fred, I am dissapointed about my tire wear. goodyear Integrety tires are supposed to last 50,000 miles. Mine were shot at 30K. I rotated my tires more than the required by Toyota. the guys at Toyota never mentioned uneven wear. i noticed it but live far from a dealer. the wear was too far gone by the time i found it. the tire to replace them with so far in my investagation is GoodYear Assurance Comfort Track - 80,000 mile warranty. Moby
Moby, That's valuable info. My arrangement with the dealer includes 45,000 miles service under contract, free tires for the life of the vehicle. With the $985 extended warranty I intend to buy in this group, my car expenses are pretty predictable. I maintain the pressure in my tires at 41,39.