I was thinking of posting this on the Hummer website. THE TWELVE STEPS OF GASAHOLICS ANONYMOUS 1 We admitted that we were powerless over our fuel consumption and our gas bills had become unmanageable. 2 We came to believe that a Prius greater than ourself could restore us to sanity. 3 We made a decision to turn our budget and our life over to the care of a Prius of our understanding. 4 We made a searching and fearless inventory of our fuel consumption. 5 We admitted to Toyota, to ourselves, and to another Prius owner, the exact nature of our commutes. 6 Were entirely ready to have Toyota remove all these defects of fuel consumption. 7 We humbly asked Toyota to reduce our gas bill. 8 We made a list of all fuel pumps we had drained and became willing to cut back on them all. 9 We passed these fuel pumps whenever possible, except when to do so would make us walk. 10 We continued to make fuel consumption inventories and when we were wasteful, promptly posted about it. 11 We continued through posting and web browsing to improve our contact with Toyota as we understood Them, posting only for knowledge of their technological advances for us and the power to utilize them all. 12 Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other drivers and to practice these driving strategies in all our commutes. Meetings are held 24/7 on this website. Keep coming back.
I couldn't help myself. I just posted this on a hummer website. I am so evil. I'm going to go sit in the corner now. Bad Dobby Bad Dobby. Ouch.
trying to create more SUV owner anger in a place where a lot of people are armed! Tame it down a notch Ray ferin ya git yur butt shot at!
I like it, Ray. I'm sure they will not. "Yea though I post through the valley of the Hummer I shall not fear"
Can you post a link here to the thread on the Hummer site? I'd love to see them work themselves into a frenzy over this.
I deleted it from thieir site. They didn't take it well. A few thought it was funny but there are some really agressive personalities over there. It's not at all like the people on this site. I should have just let the sleeping dogs lie. There are a few that are total neanderthals. The fights they have amongst themselves are pathetic. When someone posts about multiple mechanical problems, they get lambasted with accusations of not owning a hummer and just trying to make the thing look bad. They are very quick tempered. If one of them expresses a view that can be construed as liberal in the slightest, the dogs come out with their fangs bared and all these vulgar pictures are posted that are supposed to represent the supposed liberal. It's so pathetic. I guess they get more negative press than we do. They did post a picture of a Prius that was reminescent of the FUH2 website. I really felt sorry for them after an hour of reading their site. I'm sure there are loads of nice Hummer owners but it would be difficult to stick around a site like that for long unless you thrive on anger and testosterone. Sorry, no link.
Moved to Fred's. Glad you removed it from the Hummer site...about the only thing that can happen is something bad, usually someone from there coming here and trolling and trying to stir trouble...it's happened before under similar circumstances. Not worth poking the stick in the bee hive.
I took a look at the FUH2 website. Kinda amusing. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds those vehicles utterly pointless and offensive. Living in Texas as I am, I never flip off another driver as you never know if someone is packing heat. :roll:
great post Ray... as a person who knows the other 12 steps i must admit that i see myself in these steps as well, especially the last one
I found the post by chance, and I have to say they didn't flip out as much as I thought they would. I do like this response, though: "Well I guess thats another difference between liberals and people who live within the realms of reality." It was also surprising to find that one of the members works at a "Toyota store." Imagine going in there to buy a Prius from this guy and finding out he drives a Hummer...
That's probably likely to happen whether we invite them or not. The difference is that when someone comes to Priuschat to stir trouble, we are quicker to ignore them and bore them with civility. "It is so much easier for a civilized person to pretend to be barbaric than for a barbarian to pretend to be civilized." -Captain James T. Kirk