Hi All, Just got home from the dealer with my new Prius 2010. One thing the dealer said to me is; get yourself some ty-raps to attach all hubcaps so they don't get stolen!! So, I when to the store and got some large heavy ones. First they don't look good at all, second I'm afraid to damage my breaks with the attach! Are they any other way to secure them to the wheel? And no I don't want to remove them . Thanks Stephane
Think about it...if someone really wanted your wheel covers, do you think some plastic tie wraps are going to stop them? And yes, you are correct, they look horrible.
Yes, you are right, horrible is the right word, and yes, if they really want it, it's not 5 tie wraps (even the heavy duty one) that will stop them! It's ugly and I'm afraid to damage my breaks. 2 good reasons to go remove them now. Thanks Stephane
Really, the hubcaps on the 15" G3 wheels should go in an illustrated dictionary next to the phrase "ugly hubcaps". I think that you couldn't even pay someone to steal them! Maybe the dealer was making a joke about how ugly they are??
Stephane, I can understand your concern. But you need to know that in the 5 years that I've owned my Prius, in the 5+ years that I've been posting here on Priuschat, I can't remember a single incident of anyone having their hubcaps stolen. I'm not going to rule it out, of course, because statistically it's possible. In fact, statistically I'm holding out for the giant fire-breathing locust to wreak havoc on downtown Chicago.
I bet people give you some really funny looks with tywraps on your wheels..Go Naked!!! Take off the trim rings. The wheels are really pretty all by themselves. Keith P.S. If you haven't done so already, get a set of wheel locks.
I'm sure two of mine will get stolen. It is a Jersey City thing. I drove with only two hubcaps on my Corolla for a few years. But I fit right in with all the other cars in the area missing two. It was like my 'welcome to Jersey City" initiation.
just take them off so they have nothing to steal. they looking really good underneath. just get some center caps and you are good to go.
Let's bet! I bet your hub caps will not be stolen at least till next century, sorry I mean next year.
[imglink]http://priuschat.com/forums/attachments/newbie-forum/17139d1248987815-stolen-hubcaps-dsc04329.jpg[/imglink] LOL!
First time I ever saw this was in the UK. My advice. If you live somewhere people might steal your hubcaps. move. When I saw this in the UK they used black and thinner ties and only 1 or 2 on each hubcap. If you really want the ties on there use thin ones, if someone can break the thin ties without breaking the hubcap then they have something that will cut the ties. If you can cut a thin tie, you can cut a thick one.
I'm sure if yours were stolen there would be several people here on the board that would arrange to give or sell you theirs for cheap. God knows plenty of us won't be using them.
My hopeful for humanity guess is that the dealership has some vandals that have stolen wheel covers off the automobiles at the dealership, so it's probably a problem for the dealership. I'm going to be even more optimistic and hope that the chances of your covers being stolen in a regular neighborhood are much slimmer. I'm just going to laugh at the idea of using Tie Wraps to as wheel cover security. Now I have to go, sounds like someone tripped my empty tin can alarm system and is breaking into my Duct Tape secured garage.
The dealer told me her last customer had her new car for only 24 hrs and she lost 2 of them! I'm guessing she wanted to warn me since this was fresh in her mind. I did removed the tie-wraps and will not live in fear of losing them, now it's time to learn how to drive this fantastic car. Thanks for all your help Stephane