Just wondering... if you had the chance to order your car again, would you get the fabric seats or the leather? Why?
Fabric. It's nice and soft. Besides, I already have a leather-equipped car so it'll be nice to have a choice. Edit: Wolfman, what if your seats came with heat and ventilation functions like the Avalon Limited or ES330?
I'd get the leather. We paid for leather to be installed after purchasing our Prius. They did a nice job on the installation. My wife really likes leather upholstery. I don't mind the leather, but I'd probably keep the $1300 instead if I were the only driver. Thanks to Troy and PriusChat, I saved $1300 on our extended warranty so it wasn't too bad ;-) -Roland
Heated seats I've heard of, but ventillation??? That sounds pretty good ... but I'd still stick with the cloth. If it didn't clean so wonderfully, I'd give you a different answer.
I completely agree. Whatever this stuff is (Alcantara or not), it's absolutely superb. I've had leather seats in many of my previous cars, including the one I traded for my Prius, and I've done a 180 on my preference for leather as a result of the material in the Prius.
Oh and regarding heated and air-conditioned seats, my Navigator had them. I don't know whether or not the Avalon or Lexus models work differently but the (so-called) ventilation component on my Navigator didn't provide all that much comfort on hot days. Also, I felt the perforations in the leather, required to provide that functionality, sort of defeated the purpose of having leather seats in the first place.
I got leather in my Prius and I love it. I have two small children and have had nightmares trying to keep the cloth seats in our van clean. The look of the leather is very clean and elegant. Living in Georgia it will be interesting to see how hot they get in summer, but so far I really love the leather. I guess in the end it is a matter of personal preferance. Dan
I think I had that same van around 6 or 7 years ago. :lol: Huge mess! Anything and everything stuck to the fabric and liquid with any kind of a color created an indelible stain. The fabric in my Prius is Teflon compared to the material in that van.
I definitely prefer fabric. Especially now that they clean so easily. Also, during the summer, I don't have to worry about getting my bottom burnt off (leather seats can get VERRRY hot from the sun). I agree with flareak, the smell of leather is kinda icky... enough to give me headaches.
I would never choose leather as an option on my car. Leather is really disgusting. It has a negative environmental impact and there are plenty of other materials that can be used without having to kill an animal. IMNSHO, using animal skin is no different than when the Nazis made lamp shades out of Jews. I'm really glad that it's not optional on the Prius. As far as the other negatives of leather go (e.g., smell), I really can't speak to that since I've never owned a car with leather. Esther
Eastercat brings up a most important point. I did not realize how pertinent it was until I learned that PETA gave Toyota their yearly award for their refusal to put leather in a car that was supposed to be "green".
I totally agree with the two posts above. How can a person buying a Prius choose leather? It's a green car! And sitting on the skin of an animal?
Not to start a war here but what does a Green vehicle have to do with leather free. I respect everyone’s opinion of this but saying a green vehicle is better because it does not have leather is a little bit of a stretch for me. I will admit that I don't have a lot of love for PETA (not because of their message but more for their methods and intolerance) but I do respect their right to have their opinion, just not disrespect my right for the same. I have the leather option in my Prius (it is a port option for participating Southeast Dealerships) and I love it. I specifically wanted the leather because it was a little darker, easier to maintain, and hides dirt great. I did not really like the clothe seats or the colors of the clothe in the PRIUS.
I understand your confusion, especially considering PETA (who I'm not too fond of for other reasons). The idea of being environmentally conscious is that you leave as little of a footprint during your time on this planet. This means using renewable resources and resources that do not adversely affect the environment. Growing a cow requires extensive use of resources. For example, farmers in Central America have to clear forests for grazing land. These forests are important in helping to combat the greenhouse effect. The required amount of water, land, corn, and other resources are costly. The pollution caused by the factories growing these cows also has a major impact. http://www.veganoutreach.org/whyvegan/environment.html This does not include the environmental cost of tanneries. Tanneries produce waste including: chromium, sulphides, ammonia and nitrogenous compounds. http://www.pakistaneconomist.com/issue2000...ssue43/i&e4.htm While there may be tanneries that have lessened their impact on the environment, that still does not take away from the environmental cost of growing a cow. Hope this clears up some things, Esther
OK ) How about because it's a green vehicle Environment, animals, fur, skin ...? I really don't believe that someone who bought a Prius (that is cares somehow for the Planet, everything around us; I repeat somehow, not all of us a PETA members), would like to sit on the "enlarged scalp" of an animal.
Esther, we have a White/tan-ivory/#4 package ordered. We're told delivery should be in a couple of weeks. What is your experience with the tan-ivory interior? I'm a truck driver who commutes to-and-from my truck; so, occasionally, my commute home is somewhat dirty. Do you think I need to be concerned?
Just to be a devil's advocate... The Earth will be a healthier and greener place if the Prius and other hybrids become mainstream vehicles that everyone wants to drive. That means accommodating mainstream tastes (at least at first). That's why the colors are very mainstream. That's why we have leather in addition to "green" options. I love the joke about the Prius driver having three flavors (green, technie and cheap) but if you really want to do the Earth a favor we need this car to appeal to ALL flavors.