This Saturday the third generation of the Prius, the hybrid car loved by celebs and London cab firms, goes on sale in the UK. To answer all your questions on the new "green" car, we're joined this week by Toyota UK. This is your chance to grill the Japanese car-maker on its attitude to green motoring. Got a question about the new Prius and its solar-powered air-conditioning? Wondering how Toyota reconciles its low-emission cars with its 4x4 Land Cruisers, which have been blamed for worldwide dust storms? Or do you want to know about the company's plans for electric cars, hydrogen vehicles and other green cars of the future? Post your question in the comments below and from Monday to Friday this week Toyota will do its best to answer. You ask, they answer: Japanese car firm Toyota | Environment |
Okay, here goes. What percentage of the 2010 Priuses produced are equipped with the solar roof package? Salesmen in the U.S. (at least in my area) quote anything between "only 1%" to "only about 5%" because they can't get their hands on any.
Once you get past the typically ignorant 'dust-to-dust' comments, some of the questions are pretty interesting. And ToyotaGB's responses are pretty good. I found this snippet kinda revealing:
This may not apply to EU spec cars, but... Since there is already a sensor in the passenger seat (to control passenger airbag deployment), can't it be used to allow input into the navigation when a passenger is present? Seems like a no-brainer...
Guys and gals, unless I'm mistaken, you have to post your questions at the Guardian website for them to be answered by Toyota: :doh: You ask, they answer: Japanese car firm Toyota | Environment |