Looks like it's under the trunk false floor just in front of the HV battery. Isn't that the spare tire well in the bottom right of the picture and the HV battery in the upper left corner?
I think our best bet here is to find a salvage Prius with the connectors no-longer used! What do you think? I'll look at the spare socket I have next time I'm in the garage and see if there is any way I can figure out a way of getting it to work as an inline socket... Plug wise- a scrap prius would be your best bet I think. Or perhaps become friendly with your local Toyota Garage!
You can order individual connectors from Toyota. The housings are usually around $5 but the pins are around $6 each. I have the part number for the connecter at home. I will post the part number tonight.
Brilliant! does this mean we can order both plug and socket? And pins for both? I'm very excited. This will save me from having to splice into my car's wiring!
The connector housing part number is 90980-12203. The list price is $7.35 and parts.com has it for $5.08
jelloslug when i go to parts.com and put that number in i can not find that part!! edit i got it! but no picture.. sure this is the one? and plug or socket? i need both
That is just for the plug. I will do some digging to see if I can find a socket part number. My suggestion for you is that if you plan on doing some electrical modification to your Prius and you want to retain the factory plugs is to buy a large wiring harness (engine harnesses are good) for any late model Toyota/Lexus off of eBay. They may have the connector you are looking for but more importantly they will have hundreds of pins that you can harvest in insert in to the relatively cheap connector housings that you can buy. I bought a late model Corolla engine harness for $15 and that has all of the pins I will need for quiet a while.
I've been doing some searching myself. According to the Wire Harness Repair manual, this is what you need to make a "plug" using toyota parts: (prices from parts.com): 1x 9098012203 $7.89 $0.00 $5.45 HOUSING, CONNECTOR F 5x 8299812750 $16.40 $0.00 $11.34 TERMINAL, REPAIR W/W 4x 8299812340 $5.98 $0.00 $4.13 REPAIR SPLICE Total: $78.67 Expensive, but as you say you can of course get the terminals from other places. For the "socket", AFAICT, only the PCB version is listead: 1x 9098012202 ? ? ? PCB type Unfortunately, I cannot find it on parts.com. So, instead, I've done some searching for other suppliers. It looks like Tyco Electronics provides compatible connectors. Perhaps they are even providing the connectors for Toyota. The Tyco part number for the plug housing is 1674932-1. Wrt the socket, they are also only providing a PCB version, but I guess you can always solder cables on it. The part number is 1376357-3. The remaining problem is that I've yet been able to find a Tyco reseller that has these connectors, at least not in stock...
There are several PDFs available on tycoelectronics.com. Just type in the part numbers in the search box.