Hey guys, I'm kind of curious. In a few threads people talk about going through the DVD they received along with their manuals. What's on the DVD? My manuals came in a convenient Toyota manual "purse", but there was no DVD in there. What's on the DVD, is it for tutorials or something?
Nothing really that you probably don't already know or cannot learn from reading the manuals... Video's which show thing like how the SKS works, DRCC, LKA, one video is so basic it shows how the headlights work via the knob on the stalk and how the windshield wipers work by moving the stalk up or down...
To add to what Paradox said, I wouldn't worry about not getting the DVD--the information is so basic, and the presentation so drawn out, that I stopped watching it after a few sections.
Did you look through all the books? Ours was tucked inside the main manual and you wouldn't have noticed it without flipping it open (i.e. no noticeable bulge).
I thought the DVD was pretty silly overall. Maybe a newbie would find it useful but over all look through your manual, it's the best info source.
I couldn't find my DVD until I looked in the outside pocket of the manual "purse". You might check there. The DVD will not play in the Prius DVD player in the radio.
Mine was attached to the front of the manual with a rubberband. I couldn't even open the manual without seeing it, as the page was so stiff from the DVD.
Ha, thanks everyone. I figured I probably didn't need the DVD since I had gone through all the manuals, but i still wanted to know what was on them
All the video on the DVD are available at Toyota.com on the owners page it you have registered your a Prius owner.
Didn't have a DVD either (Montréal) but was loaned the dealer DVD before I signed the final contract. I guess it's the same one US customers got, with some additional information for salesmen. I learned nothing from it except for the salesmen part. It confirms some interesting marketing concepts for the new Prius. As an example, it confirms that the new Prius was designed for the average buyer, to get the Prius out of its tree-hugger niche. I haven't tried yet but clubtoyota.ca seems to be equivalent to the US owners website.
You deserve to have the DVD and should demand it BUT it isn't very useful and you really are not missing much w/o it! And parts of it show very small written data that can't possibly be read in the time provided so one would have to pause it to read all of the stuff.
It appears that its not customary to offer the DVD in Canada, eh. Admittedly small sample, but both posters from the north have no DVD. Can't very well demand something that's not offered in that country. Perhaps an inquiry to the selling dealer or Toyota Canada customer relations would be in order first.
There are a bunch of selections on You Tube that I suspect are from that DVD: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.