I do not have my Prius yet (down payment made, on order!) but there is something I have been hearing about quite a bit. Rusty mufflers. As in quite rusty after a month or less. Is this a huge problem? Has anyone else noticed this issue, or is it just a problem in Japan? And if they do get rusty very quickly, will it make the car noisier? My current car is a 2003, but the muffler isn`t very rusty, so I`m a bit worried. My second question; We do not have a garage, so some type of coating is necessary. We ordered "glass sealant coating" to protect the glass and paint, but I didn`t realize at the time that there were so many different types of coating out there. What exactly are the benefits of the glass type coating over other kinds? A friend was shocked we`d chosen glass, saying that polymer was much better - but they had no idea why. Our last car only had the option of "paint sealant" so there were no real choices to be made. If we really should have gotten something different, well, there is still plenty of time to go back and change the order. The car won`t be here until February...
I noticed the back of my muffler where the tailpipe comes out of is rusty (had the car is just two weeks). I suspect that most mufflers will rust pretty quickly (outside) but won't likely leak for sometime. With that said, I was going to get some grill paint (pot belly black, high temp) and spray a couple of coats on mine. It should help it look better for a little while. As for as paint sealant, I just plan to wash and wax my car a couple of times a year. My past vehicles has faired pretty good by just doing that. Peter
Hummm, I would have assumed the muffler was stainless steel. If not, I would think painting won't help as it probably would rust from the inside where the moisture would stand. Keeping a car waxed is always a good choice (often if it sits outside). My understanding is a polymer bonds with the paint. I know I used it many years ago on a BMW that when I needed to had a repair, they had a hard time painting and had to eventually take it down to bare metal. Even though a ploymer might last longer (permanant?) if a car sits outside and you want it to look good you'll need to do semiannual cleanings of the finish and still want to wax it.
If the mufflers are not stainless, then I'm going to spray on a ceramic coat paint. You can get them in many colors and paint temperature can withstand 500-1200 degrees F.
I`m wondering... If the rust is really a huge issue, would an after market muffler be a good idea? From what I understand, rusting from the *outside* is just as much a problem as from the inside and it can be very visible. We even saw it on the <300km driven test drive car. Family lives right by the ocean, so we`re usually parked within 10 meters of the water for about two months out of the year... When there are high waves, that salt water just flies over the car. Wax has never helped much, and every car without a coating generally starts having problems with it`s paint after a few weeks of the salt water treatment - even with wax. Our current car lasted 4 years with yearly coating + regular waxing before it started to get tiny rust pin pricks in the roof. Mother-in-law, on the other hand, lasted 3 months with no coating or wax before a rust spot started to show. Salt water is just awful to cars. I`m assuming the salt water will also kill the muffler too - which is one of the biggest worries. We asked the dealer and they basically said that painting it would void the warranty on the muffler - which is fine, if painting works. But if it doesn`t and we`ll just have to replace the thing in the end anyway... Well, it seems like it would be easier to stick something else on and not have to worry.
Does anyone know yet if the muffler is stainless? This seems like you are worrying about such a small thing. I took a Tacoma muffler off my son's truck 8 years ago and the garbage men wouldn't take it. I forgot about it but saw it last week. It's been in the back yard exposed to weather laying on the ground. It looks like it did when I threw it out there in 2001.
Try pouring sea water on it every day for a few months. The muffler isn`t stainless - but supposedly some kind of alloy... Which apparently rusts quite easily. Really both questions are similar in nature - we want to keep the car in decent shape even with heavy exposure to seawater. I can`t even count how many times I`ve driven down the road and thought I`d fallen into the water because of a HUGE wave totally covering the car. Things that rust or are not protected well tend to go bad very quickly. We`ve had to replace the strangest things because of the seawater... We`re on our third set of wiper fluid tubes and nozzles. The salt gets in and corrodes them. I don`t want that to happen to the paint and muffler on the new car - so am a little concerned about hearing the muffler rusts in no time just weeks out of the factory in regular conditions. And... would like to know the difference between types of paint coatings.
Wow!! How in the world did you get her to stand outside for three months? That would get me through most of football season. Nothing worse than a rusted mother-in-law though. Makes them real irritable.
Yeah, you can bet she was pretty mad once those rust spots started showing up. But just think how long she could have lasted if we`d waxed her up! (Love my MIL to death. )
My Camry had the original muffler on it after 15 years and 300,000 kilometres, I see no reason my Prius muffler wont do as well.
Over the years, I've noticed that automobiles only used on short trips have a tendency to rust-out their mufflers from the inside because short trips do not allow the muffler to heat up and evaporate condensing exhaust. One of the byproducts of burning (fuels) is water. That water in combination with all the other exhaust byproducts (oxides of Nitrogen, for those Nitrogen enriched fuels, for example), have a tendency to be highly corrosive. If the muffler is not fully heated up by driving, then those fumes condense on the inside of the muffler. Keith
I've never had a muffler rust from the inside out, especially a toyota. I have driven 80 miles round trip to work for 21 years, so I can only relate my experience. The high temp ceramic paint does work and looks nice.
Everyone focuses on the muffler part, but no one has answered my other question about paint coatings for the car. What are the differences between the types of coating and sealants for the body of the car?
Many years ago, I lived in Florida (near the beach - Clearwater) for a year. During that period, I washed my car every week and waxed it once a month. The surface of the paint deteriorated faster than any other time that I've owned automobiles. My biggest concern was interior rusting in the body panels. The car had undercoating and the interior panels were painted but still with the salt spray and salty air, I had interior rust spots to deal with. After I left Florida, I took the car apart (removing all interior panels). Where there were rust spots, I sanded down to the bare metal, painted with primer and undercoating. As for the exterior, I had the car re-painted with urethane enamel (same paint as used on airplanes). My recommendation - if you live near the beach, don't waste your money on an expensive car or one that you really like. You are only torturing yourself, and your car... Good Luck, Keith
Hi Tamyu: I live right next to the ocean as well. Personally, I don't know much about paint sealants, but I will throw this idea at you which I am still looking into. Paint Protection Film that goes over the paint like a film and from what I can gather should help you with the salt water issue. I am sure in your country you can get 'detailers' that do window tinting and some of these companies most likely do PPF as well. You can get if for the 2010 Toyota Prius as a kit from 3M, etc. that can cover the hood, front and rear bumper, front fenders, rocker panel, outside mirrors and I am sure if it came down to it you could get other areas either as a kit or covered. Depending on how much you have covered it might be expensive, but if done right you should save the paint from salt water damage (not to mention chips from flying rocks). Just my 2 cents worth..... Edward Marystown, Newfoundland Canada
Thank you so much for the advice! I`m so glad that some people know what I mean about salt water and the damage it causes. We don`t personally live right by the water, but we spend 2 to 3 months out of the year with family who DO. (They run a hotel, so it`s sort of like a free vacation any time we feel like it. ) We`re generally up there for a week or so each time. We usually hand wash and wax before we go, then again when we come home (unless there is something horrific like a huge storm blowing the waves up over the car), and usually do an underside wash too (by machine). On our first car, we didn`t realize the level of damage salt water could do so didn`t do much of anything other than the normal care. That didn`t turn out well - it was a used car to begin with, but had issues with paint in no time once we had it. So we went with paint sealant on our current car, which has really helped a lot in my opinion. The only external rusting problems we have had so far have been pin pricks on the roof after 4+ years. We`ve had the car for 7 years now, and no big issues. With the Prius order, we were given the choice of 3 types of sealant/coating. Paint sealant, polymer sealant, and glass sealant. The pamphlets sort of said that glass sealant was strongest toward sea water so we went ahead with it. But there was really no information as to what the difference between the three was. As for not buying a car I like, well, I`d rather buy a fairly priced car I like and take care of it than buy something I dislike just because.
The only thing common about the different types of "paint sealants" is they are not required, and are expensive gimmicks the dealers like to sell so they make more money. The paint doesn't need protection, except from extreme sunlight. Use a good quality wax or polish twice a year and you're doing all you can for your paint. I use Zaino, which is a polymer sealant/polish. Twice a year. In other words, I wax my car twice a year. As for mufflers, the WORST thing you can do is coat it with something. The coatings trap the corrosive gasses against the metal. Just let it slowly rust. It usually lasts the longest that way.