Are there any special features with the XM radio that is integrated with the NAV package? We currently have a Sirius Starmate and it has replay, song/artist seek and a jump button to quickly go to the local traffic station. None of these things are a deal breaker for me, I was just curious.
I'll check this out when I go out later today, and let you know some more. I believe there's a scan feature that scans the "genre," but need to play with it and see what all can be done. The setup does include a trial of the XM NAVTraffic feature, and the system also offers XM NAVWeather. I've not looked into the weather stuff, since there are so many other options for getting weather data. EDIT: I called XM today, Sunday, August 9, and they said my radio was weather capable, they added the service, and .....nothing. I think there must have been an ID mixup that tagged it as weather capable, when it appears now that it isn't. I called them back to revert back to Traffic only ($3.99 a month, vs. Traffic and Weather at $7 a month, if the unit is weather capable.
So here's what I found. You can press a TYPE icon on the NAV screen to cycle between genres (Country, Rock, Hip-Hop...) and you can use a SCAN icon to cycle between the stations of a particular genre. That's it. You have SAT1 to SAT3, with 6 pre-sets each. I store channel 214 for DC traffic and weather in the last slot on SAT3, and with one or two pushes of the SAT button (or a few pushes of the MODE button on the steering wheel) I'm at SAT3, channel 214. Here are some pics showing the pre-sets, and the TYPE and SCAN icons.
How do I get the traffic to show up? I have the "show traffic" set to on..... no traffic shown....???
Do you live in a metropolitan area that's serviced by XM NAVTraffic? XM Satellite Radio - America's #1 Satellite Radio Service
Thank you!!! Love the pictures. My husband will be pleased to not have to hear the signal that one of my fave groups is on another station. I think he will be glad he can use the dial again. We used to have a Sportster and he liked the dial much better than constantly pressing a button like on our Starmate. When you scroll through each station, how long is the delay before you see the title of the song?
Good question. When I get the car out of the garage again tomorrow, I'll try it and see. I normally just cycle through my presets, and it's the usual half-second or second that the sound drops out moving from one to the other. I'd guess that the display info would have the same or slightly longer delay, but I'll try to check it out tomorrow.
I tried it today, and was pleasantly surprised. It was quicker than I expected going from station to station for the audio to return and the text to pop back on.
Awesome!!! I can't wait!!!! I wonder if the Lifetime price went up since all the other plans did? Must research...
Does anyone know how long the "free" service lasts in the 2010 Prius? Ours works and I've not yet contacted XM to activate, but I'm sure it is limited to some amount of time. I haven't seen anything in the manual and the window sticker just says "subscription required". Also, what is the cost for a year of service and lifetime service that I've seen mentioned in other threads?
The free trial is 90 days. I've already received some info in the mail from XM and since my 90 days is up in a few weeks I'm expecting more contact from them.
I spoke with XM Customer Service today, and Lifetime is $399, Lifetime with the Best of Sirius is $499, and the Royalty fee on lifetime is $61 and change. I expect to pay $560 and change when mine converts to lifetime XM plus the Best of Sirius. Then NAVTraffic is $3.99 a month on top of that, with no additional discounts for pre-paying. One month, quarterly, annual, or multi-year billing all breaks down to $3.99 a month.
Will they give you a free trial for the NAVTraffic? We mostly stick to back roads on our commute, but sometimes it may come in handy.
Yes, you get a 90 day trial for XM, and a 90 day trial for NAVTraffic. I added Best of Sirius to my 90 day trial for $12.21 IIRC ($4.07 a month or something like that).
I am a current XM subscriber with Best of Sirius. I tried to add/activate my new radio online, but it said that the new radio ID had expired? I assumed that if the dealer or factory activates the ID before delivery. Anyway, I just decided to let the trial run out before I contact XM to add the radio to my account. How would the lifetime subscription be priced with say, two radios?
You'd pay the lifetime fee twice. No additional discount for a second radio on lifetime that I can tell.