How do you go about putting your car in a lower gear? I ordered my car from a dealership in WV and to get it home I have to go down a 7 degree incline for a mile. I would really prefer not to use my brakes.
There are no "Gears"...the Prius uses a set of Planetary gears that function as an electronic continuously variable transmission. As mentioned above, you CAN use the B mode, or, better yet, just ride the brakes. Since you shouldn't have to press the brakes hard enough to engage the friction brakes you will be braking by using the regenerative power of the Electric motor and recapturing energy you can then use the next morning when you're driving up that same hill to work. "B" mode will regenerate, but not as efficiently as braking manually...though it is a bit easier to slam it into B rather than have to press the brake for a mile. I think you might benefit from reading the Prius Technical information to gain a better understanding of the complex yet amazing system the Prius is:
7% for a mile depending on the speed limit shouldn't even require B normal regen should just about hold that at 60 miles an hour. Also the first 1/3" of brake pedal travel doesn't engage the brakes but provides the max amout of regen to the main battery. The main hill on my way to work is 3/4mile of 13% and if there is a lot of traffic I'll use B but prefer to just let the normal regen control it with the brake regen doing the rest but if there is a lot of traffic I'll B it for sure. When the ICE cuts in the amount of gas it uses under no load hi manifold vacumn is probably nothing or about a thimble full on a 1 mile hill. If your worried about that much gas you should have bought a bus pass
True, but the drive system is built to take it. Go easy on the brakes and you might go 50,000 miles without buying new brake shoes.
I think you're both off... I don't think B will put any significant stress on the ICE, and shouldn't put any stress on the Hybrid drive system at all. The brakes should just about last you the lifetime of the car if you go easy on them. The friction part of the brakes rarely make contact except with hard/sudden braking or when you're below 8mph (where there is very little wear). I wouldn't be suprised if having one's brakes wear out becomes a reportable event on the forums due to it's rarity.
The car handles "B" mode well and it is easy to get in and out of when you need to. (certainly easier than shifting with a regular stick shift since you don't need to engage the clutch with your foot to shift). When I went over the continental divide, I put it in and out as needed. Sometimes the "B" mode actually slowed the car too much. The battery regens rather quickly to green on steep slopes like that so I don't think you need to be concerned about charging the battery.
Remember: Toyota says you may use a little more fuel in "B". Not a lot, just a little more. I agree with the others; experiment in Drive before going to "B". It realloy mano be needed - just a light touch on the brakes now and again. Amazing how little you will use the brakes once you get into the Prius Groove... Let the jerk in the V8 SUV race up to the stop light and slam on his brakes. Now I let them pass me in a big twit so I can casually cruise up behind them at the next light and follow them through town in Stealth Mode. I'm lovin' it! Bob