named the best vehicles for this summer's road trips (in the US), and the Prius garnered the "best overall" rating. The HiHy was also listed as "best for larger families."
Well, I haven't flown in years. And with the price of gas what it is I'm not likely to, a gas-electric hybrid plane not being very practical. Now that I have a fuel efficient car, I might be more inclined to take a road trip. would have to be a pet friendly one as if I'm going I'm taking the dog with me.
I'll concur! Just came back on a two day road trip to Bellevue/Bellingham/Burlington. No complaints from rear passengers as they stretched out and read on the highway. It held all our luggage and a small cooler in the cargo area and all our shopping went beneath the floor (heck, I squeezed a soft Nike bag with clothing in the small left compartment and it fits!). The MFD returned an avg of 5.1L/100km. 6.12L/100km calculated but I think I might not have fully filled the tank before heading south.
hell yeah, i've put 1600 miles on my prius and it's only two weeks old. Took a road trip up to Bristol with some friends and we all came to the conclusion that the prius is the best road tripping car; especially when we were figuring out how much gas was going to cost. You gotta love that jbl sound system too. . . i'm still debating whether i need a sub or not. Glad to see that some other people have ome to the ame conclusion