Everyone is invited to join us for Brunch and spirited discussion of Prius topics at Neimans Restaurant in Carlsbad on Sunday, April 4, 2004 at 1 PM. There is ample parking and we will have an alcove to ourselves. So far we have a committment from 8 Prii and 12 people! RSVP so we can count you in for table space.
I was checking out Neimans web site http://www.neimans.com and discovered there's a $5 coupon off the front page. It says "one per table", not sure if that means one person per table get's $5 off, or implying that it's good for everyone at the table, but you can't double or triple up. This may also be invalid for us since we're a group. Just thought I'd mention it. See you all there. Tom
San Diego event: We had nineteen people present with eleven Prii: six silver, 2 black, 1 seaside, 1 white &1 classic aqua. Some of the towns people came from were: Claremont, Laguna Niguel, Newport Beach, Rancho Bernardo, and all around the San Diego area. Sev can give a better account, but here is a pic of the 9 out of 11 Prii: