Yup blue with solar I should take some pictures while its sunny. I'm even using Monar's picture for my fuel milage app my g/f was calling me out for being a mega geek and having the picture and the app before the car.
Ahh... those were the days. Now I actually have work to do lol. At least you know that if you have a question, I will respond to the best of my abilities lol. (I have very few posts in FHOP)
Here's a couple other things I noticed: Cruise control (at least DRCC) shuts off if you have the wipers on high for more then 5 seconds but keeps working if only set to intermediate or medium (Screen tells you it's disabled due to incliment weather and car beeps) EV Mode is odd, sometimes kicks out at 18km/h (even if there is no pressure on pedal) sometimes it will allow over 43km/h without kicking out, think it has something to do with engine temps. Traction control is not noticable which is a good thing, I work for the railway and often park trackside, one place in particular is on a mild grade but gravel, I was worried at first about getting stuck but it's never been a problem at all. Bluetooth sync to a Ipod touch only gives a play/pause control, Very disappointing. Going to have to go the USB route... Anyone know how to remove the NAV screen to access the inputs? Window angle seems to make chipping less likely, I've had a few things bounce off. DRCC seems to need a bit more tuning when following a slow vehicle, if set for 110 and following < 80km gives a "stop and go" feeling, like it's trying to compensate too much. Bluetooth with my phone does not display Caller ID 95% of the time, only when I get a message on voicemail will it display my own number. (Samsung instinct) Americans talk about a overhead lamp with the shifter which seems to be missing in canadian models, same with plasmacluster which is a disappointment. Petro Canada seems to be the best gas for me so far, getting 4.4l/100km compared to 4.6 on shell and the first tank of gas (Dealer provided) For those talking about noise with the AC, perhaps have your dealer enable the "noise and vibration control" function under AC. Can't hear mine at all and find it still provides more then enough cooling. Anyone know if the canadian version has the US V Package steering and turning radius or is it equiv to thier 1-4 package?
Which iPod Touch do you have? (or is there even a different version?). I know Toyota systems will only display Caller ID if the vehicle is stopped (or under 11km/h). Otherwise, it'll just say "INCOMING CALL" umm... we don't get plasmacluster but I thought we do get the ambient light cause I've seen them on a few models (don't remember which). The Touring has the quicker steering. I tested it out and compared it with the base model. The others have the standard setup.
Mine has the shifter light. I don't even use EV mode I just back off the throttle and the engine will turn off then I apply light pressure on the gas and make sure I don't move the guage out of the electric area of the eco display. You wont be able to go USB directly into your NAV just yet they are making an adapter for that which sounds like it is coming soon. 4.4l/100km damn you! I can't get below 5.0 atm. I suppose my short commute downhill with uphill home might make that harder ;( Still my first tank though I still have hope!
Ordered mine June 18th (the day they launched in Canada) and got it on the 26th!! I have over 3,000Kms on it (long commute) and love it...best mileage so far is 4.6l/100kms... oh...and it's been up to 164kph on the 407!!! (LOVE that "power" mode)
Haha, nothing against Vancouver drivers Another thing I noticed while driving there... the parking spots are so narrow. Someone from Vancouver can probably park three cars into two spots in Toronto, while people here can't even get their cars straight in their spot. So far I'm getting 5L/100km on my first tank. Hopefully the car will loosen up a little and the L/100km will get lower. When I drive carefully I can get 3L/100km over a few blocks. My car has the shifter light. It's a bright white LED shining from the roof, near the rear view mirror. I notice it stays on when I drive around at night. My car is the Premium Package with Solar, I assume all Premium Package cars will have the light (if not all models have it).
Be careful or you will be the first Prius to get the "stunt driving" charge and have your car towed!! I drive on the 407 every day (saves me 1/2 hour each way) and I see OPP officers almost once every other day. Congrats on getting your car in June. I put in a deposit in early June and got my car in mid July. Had to wait for that Blizzard Pearl with grey interior. Dealer only had one with Bisque.
Commute? Isn't that a swear word? My drive to work in the morning is 10 min no room to do 164! that is sweet btw
Stinks it won't display the caller ID, yet another reason to defeat the speed sensor, it's now a absolute must on my list. EV mode is most usefull to defeat the warmup sequence, or in my case delay it till I get past the first couple of stop signs which are a killer. I'll have to look again for the light but I didn't see a LED near the rearview mirror with the tech package, certainly the shifter didn't light up unless you have to have the dimmer switch clicked to max. 164? that's nice but OPP certainly is looking out for that, noticed a number of OPP "beaters" the last couple of days, unmarked cars that look like early 80's era junkers but are unmarked OPP "tuned" cruisers. Just took 17 Packs of Laminate flooring in the prius today, about 500lbs or so, figured I would have to take the back roads but had no problem on the 401, even mananged to get better milage going back then going there (back in traffic too no less). For the USB to nav I'm sure as long as there is a input there I can wire something up, I doubt it but it may be nothing more then being able to directly connect a USB extention into the rear. I have a Ipod Touch, 2nd Gen (only gen with Bluetooth) 16GB. 5L/100km? Must be really hilly road, I start and end my trips (both ways) on large hills, and the DVD is a rollercoaster in itself, I found using EV only till I get to the main street does pretty good, I can go from the highway to the house only on EV if someone isn't following behind me still have juice to start back up in ev, make it down the hill (regen'ing) and onto the main roads. Found there is also a sweet spot in braking to maximize regen too, almost max on the charge bar but not quite, too much and the friction brakes come on, too little and you don't get as much of a charge, I find maximizing the amount I get out of decelerating quickly captures more energy then slowly running the charge over a longer braking distance, since more energy seems to be lost to converstion
Not so much hilly as 1 big hill. On the North Shore we are on the side of Grouse Mountain. Coasting and regen braking I can go from empty battery to full 1/3 of the way down my hill in the morning. Which of course means driving up it in the evening. No highway driving here. The LED light is a little round opening between your two large lights on the roof.(near your sunglass holder or open/close switch depending whether you have a sunroof or not) When driving at night it should illuminate your shifter I can't see it at all if it is not dark. There is a ipod addon coming soon for the Nav which will allow you to controll your ipod with the touch tracer etc. There's a thread here about the details from the euro toytota site.
You and Radon should have the same setup because both of you have the moonroof and thus both of you have the black disc in the overhead console.
Found the light, it's not very bright, not sure if it's just mine or not, but it doesn't illuminate much, I was expecting a brighter more "spotlight" LED Fun fact: you can dim/turn off (And I mean off, not just dim) the Speedometer, Fuel Gauge and Drive indicator but the Ready light and ECO/POW will always stay on LOL I know the update is coming, I'm thinking of seeing if I can do it myself since $200+ is a pretty heafty charge to accomplish what should be available in bluetooth anyways. Also going to look at converting one or both of the accessory 12v adapters into 120v sockets.
Yup. You can do that in the Gen 2 too. You can play a trick on your husband/wife/son/daughter/parents or whoever else shares the car with you. Leave the rheostat all the way off during the day. The next time they drive at night and the headlights come on, the speedo will be off. They'll freak out thinking there's something wrong with the instrument cluster. another trick is to change from KM/H to MPH. Done that a few times... wondered why they were going fast but the speedo only shows 50 (mph). The READY and ECO/PWR lights are on a separate circuit. The speedo is reflected and anything in that cluster will be dimmed.
Monar you need to go get those fog lights installed so you can tell me how much it costs up here :thumb:
The secret to "high speed Ontario driving" is to do it during the commute hours...when the Ministry of Revenue...I mean the OPP, are busy finding "the easy way" to further tax innocent citizens... on the 407 they're more worried about trucks without transponders..and on the 404, I see them cruising the "HOV" lanes looking at how many heads are in each car...(hey...should PRIUS drivers be allowed in those lanes?? I use a LOT less gas than a planet killing SUV with a couple of brats in the back!!!) The good news is that nobody notices a Prius in traffic...I like that "invisability"... The bad news is, as long as we post ridiculously low speed limits in this Province...based on politics and NOT engineering or science, we will continue to "criminalize" innocent citizens... (off my soapbox now...)
Well even a expedition with a 20mpg epa (11l/100km) hwy with 4 people vs a prius with a 50mpg (4.7l/100km) with 1... just a thought reguarding hov lanes. Of course if you put 4 folks in that prius we're at happy fun time. The upside of a lower speed limit for us is increased fuel economy at least!