Shocking but true - another new study concludes that driving while texting on a cell phone or smartphone isn't safe - in fact, it can be 23 times more risky in leading to a crash than drivers who are not texting. What, we needed a study to tell us this? Apparently, we did. The latest report, which came from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute yesterday, reports that the risk of a vehicle crash can be up to 23 times higher when the driver is texting, compared to a driver who is paying full attention to the road. The report concludes that driving while texting should be banned, and that cell phone use should be banned for newly-licensed drivers. The Virginia Tech report comes just a week after similar conclusions were found in a report done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That 266-page report, which was actually compiled in 2002 but was kept out of public view until two consumer groups filed a federal Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to obtain it, recommends that drivers be banned from using cell phones in moving vehicles, whether the phone is being held or used with a hands-free listening device... Surprise: Texting While Driving is Dangerous - PC World (the comments section is actually the more hilarious part...)
Priuschat member Samiam has done extensive research on this subject, and has developed simulators to demonstrate the danger.
I believe that under current New York State law (and the law of many/most states?), I am forbidden from listening to a Walkman [iPod] through headphones while driving, but I am allowed: (1) to talk on a hands free cell phone while driving (which I understand increases the risk of an accident by 4X ... about the same as driving while intoxicated), and (2) to text while driving (23X greater risk of an accident). The reason for this nonsense? I think it has a lot to do with the fact that rich and powerful telecommunications companies are behind cell phones, and rich and powerful people use them while driving.
- While we're at it, all CB radio use while driving should be banned, including truck drivers. - And let's not forget police radios. Officers should be banned from using them while driving. Same for officers using cell phones while driving. Of course I don't really believe these two statements. But they do illustrate the problem of where to draw the line.
You're absolutely right. Like right now I'm FORBIDDEN by our fascist nanny state to drink Everclear while driving - what next, forbidding me to drink water? How about forbidding everybody to drink anything, ever? Where do we draw the line?
I think extremely hot-looking women walking down the sidewalk wearing bikinis or highly-revealing outfits should be banned since they are a major distraction for all male drivers and consequently result in a much higher accident rate! ok (that wasn't me speaking), but seriously... The "surprise" should be that it's ONLY 23 times more likely to cause an accident! I would have guessed at least 100 times more likely. Living in CA, where you can only talk on a cellphone in a hands-free mode, I actually live by that doctrine and use the speakerphone method, yet I still find myself slightly distracted from the driving a bit. Admittedly, I'm not a text-aholic, but I've done it a few times sitting in my office chair, and I find it extremely difficult even WHEN I'M STARING AT THE PHONE THE ENTIRE TIME! I cannot possibly imagine someone could actually text (and the message be intelligible) while driving! Now, the more I think about it, I'm surprised the accident rate isn't 1000 times more! I cannot understand WHY anyone would even want to text while driving. It seems to me that the spoken word is much more efficient and much easier to keep your eyes on the road at least. Why not leave a voicemail, rather than a text? Damn right texting while driving should be illegal!
The cell phone Law in Cal specifically exempts CB and Amateur radio operations while driving. Considering the number of train wrecks we have had recently, and how hard is it really to keep a couple hundred tonnes on two rails anyway. Its not like your going to veer sharp left if you take your hands off the wheel.... But they were texting, not paying attention, missed signals, and the result, DEAD PEOPLE!!! Now trying to text while driving, is right up there with watching TV, reading a book, and one of my favorites, Putting on Makeup while driving. Sadly, I have seen all of the above, and more here in LA!!! Just drive the Damn Car, Pay Attention, Save a Life!!!
Nice sarcasm! The medical science and statistics present a pretty clear argument on this one. It's not your life or liberty society cares about, it's the life and liberty of the innocent family of 4 that you just sent to the morgue. I'm all for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I generally support most freedoms that we are fortunate (in this country) to have. I do draw the line when your freedom adversely affects the life, liberty and happiness of other individuals.
most studies rarely provides an epiphany, so not sure why this is unusual ...lets turn this into the "biggest waste of money spent to get survey results we already knew" thread i will start. new study talked about on "Science Friday" program at NPR News on June 26th found out that with current technology and only an "appropriate" use of the land in the US, wind energy would provide at least 16 times more energy than we currently consume
Although the argument against texting while driving seems pretty self-evident, remember that for cell phone use, GPS use, etc, the line between right and wrong is not as clear. Take for instance the long running discussion about "safe" highway speeds. The argument is that there are less fatalities at 55 mph than 65 mph. However, one could make the same argument about 45 vs. 55. And 35 vs.45. Until eventually you got to 0 mph, where no one would die in highway accidents. Therefore all driving should be banned! So the knee-jerk reaction to ban all cellphone use, or ban all beverages and food in cars, or ban GPS use, etc., must be rejected in favor of a more reasoned approach, IMO. Best wishes, Frank
The study was required. Without the study, there would be people who want to text while driving opposing any laws and asking, "where's your proof?!" When we hear about seemingly stupid studies like this, we have to keep in mind that they are all part of a bigger scheme. I do not know if it's legal for me to listen to my iPod when I drive but my iPhone came with white earbuds that look just like iPod earbuds. I use them only in one ear to podcast "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" and I know that when I get pulled over for listening to music while driving, I'll simply stop the music, go back to the home screen and point out that it's a phone.
Tony do you think we will be able to tell who are texting while driving in this thread by trying to change the subject or ridiculing the report.?
Yeah, wow, that's amazing! ...obviously sarcasm, but some people are actually surprised to find that a LOT of people are doing it. What's really surprising is that people have to be told not to do it, like they've been told not to use cell phones without a hands-free device. For most of us military members it's now getting to the point that you can't use a cell phone at all while operating a vehicle on an installation so it kind of seems obvious. Not saying people don't do it, rather there are a lot more tickets given out for using a cell phone. Actually I think it wouldn't hurt if regular cops started looking for texters on the highways (in places that they don't already).
Already, there are far too many people who got their driver's licence from a box of cornflakes. Cellphones don't exactly help the situation. I often used headphones on a long trip, so I could concentrate on the driving and ignore the screaming kids in the back seat. Safety first. Anybody know the deal on driving in bare feet? Some people have told me it's illegal, but I'm not sure why it would be an issue. Sure is cooler, and gives much better pedal feel.
An unshod young man named Hobbit told me about where I found this little nugget: Legal/Driving Barefoot/driving barefoot
Huh. How about that. Thanks, Tony. Maybe I should look up the laws for Canada one of these days. I've seen people riding motorcycles in flip-flops and shorts. Morons.