My dealer parts guy is checking this out with Toyota and will tell early next week if there's more info, but his web resource on '04 Prius replacement tires suggests Goodyear Integrity, Bridgestone (?) and Michelin Harmony for replacements. All are the same P185/65 R15 867S M+S type, which he says is NOT unique to the '04 Prius, except that the OEM Integrity that comes on the car happens to be made in Japan. I've asked him to determine if there is ANYTHING unique about the Japanese or US-manufactured Integrity product. I suspect not. I noted that the Matrix (same platform as the Prius) sports 15, 16 or 17-inch rims and may come with Goodyear Eagle, Bridgestone Potenza or Continental P-metric low profile speed-rated rubber, i.e. 195 through 205 low profle. I'll let you all know when he comes back of the Japanese vs. U.S. thing or any additional info. As some of our members approach 15, to 20k miles this summer and start thinking about tire replacement, it will be interesting to see what tire emerges and the best overall for handling, mileage, grip, noise, ride and price on the standard 15-inch factyory rims. Wouldn't it be a hoot if the OEM tire turned out to be the best deal? Bob
The Goodyear Integrity tires that came with my RX300 had 57800 miles on them when I traded it for the Prius and still had, IMO, another 10000 available. AND I am one those persons that think tires are the most important thing on the car for my safety so I always trade them while they still have mucho tread. Of course I live in the Northwest and they do not get the extremes of heat they do in other parts of the country. They also needed the least balancing weights of any tire I have ever had. Could have been those individual tires or perhaps the Japanese again put their high standards of workmanship to use. Bob
There it is, then! The man speaks from experience; our favorite kind of reply. Let's all track the performance of our Japanese Integrities. Somehow I think they will bear out their reputation on the '04 Prius, too. Thanks, man. Bob
My Prius dealer guy came back on the Japanese vs U.S. Integrity OEM tire for Prius last night. There is no detectable difference. So we take care of 'em, clean 'em, spray shiny stuff on 'em and run 'em until logic says, "time to change". Or some guy swaps his cool 16" Michelins and Rims on his new Matrix for truly expensive tires and you buy (steal them) tomorrow. Bob
Regarding tires. Have owned an Audi (180K miles)w/Michellin; Honda (127K miles)w/Michellin, replaced with Firestone then replaced with Toyo; Acura (2) w/Michellin. The best handling and most durable was without a doubt Toyo. The Michellins had poor harsh weather traction and the Firestones, while great in the snow, just wore out too fast. The Toyos were quiet, great bad weather traction and even ran when one tire had 5 nails in it. All were pulled and the tire successfully repaired. Also, atleast here in Chicago, Toyos are very reasonably priced being about $25 less than Michellins. When time comes for new rubber, its Toyo for me.
An interesting tire test I found on the net is by GreenSeal.Org. They list several low rolling resistance tires that would help maintain the Prius' fantastic fuel economy. In the chart at the end of the PDF you will find a list of actual values for rolling resistance. Now, if we could find the values for the few tires that they didn't test, we would be all set. Direct link to download the PDF file:
Has anyone questioned the actual treadlife on the oem goodyear integrities? I am sitting at 25,300 miles and have 4/32nds of tread left. As you all probably know, thats not going to work for the snowy minneapolis winter ahead. Problem is, goodyear won't accept the claim until 2/32nds. From what Ive heard from a local goodyear retailer, they won't even honor the 50k warranty on the prius. Has anyone dealt with this issue?