Are the toyota leased plug-ins the 2010's or 2009's? Also are the after market plug-ins compatible for the 2010's? Also is there anyone willing to take a drill bit to their brand new 2010's?
At this point, all the existing conversions are compatable with 2004-2009 models. I was going to purchase a 2010 but was told the conversions would have to wait until they could do the research. I ended up buying a used 2008. So far, I love it. JOANNA
Not yet. Because the 2010 has been redesigned so dramatically, Hymotion will have to recertify and crash test the car before they will sell the kit. The most expensive part of the equation apparently is the EPA testing. Since there is only one model year right now and they have so many other priuses to focus on, they have not made the 2010 a priority. Last time I talked to my contacts at Hymotion, there were indications that they are seriously considering taking action. I will keep you guys posted. For now, the best thing is to get your hands on a 2009 if you still can. If you need one, we know of several states where they are still available.
I've checked with plug in supply and the dealer out of Denver for Hymotion and both indicated that adding the 2010 is on their to-do list, but they are pretty busy getting the 2004-2009 year vehicles done and it will take a while due to all of the changes on the 2010 (as someone else stated). Also you have to remember that the 2010 is ahead of production schedule, so most people were planning on having more time to purchase and reverse engineer the systems to evaluate how the current systems would work with the new model. Even Solar Electrical Vehicles is not looking at doing any 2010 currently, but I'm sure once the 2004-2009 people convert that are going to convert, they will need to move on to the newer years.