I own a 2006 Prius with 55K miles on it. I am having a couple of problems with it that recently developed. I can smell fuel inside the cabin; Sometimes very strong sometimes faint. When driving the smell can become very strong and almost nauseating. Also, my wife comments how she smells fuel in the car when driving as well, and especially after it has been sitting for a day or so and she is just getting in to start it. Second problem is that on the way to work (45 min drive each way) the red exclamation/triangle light came on for a few seconds. This happens intermittently every couple minutes the whole drive to work. I will eventually take the car in for service since I have two little girls and fuel issues are frightening. However, I am active duty military and my free time is limited so I am posting here to see if anyone can shed some light on this for me first. Thank you.
Without diagnostic codes we can only guess, but the combination of fuel smell and warning suggests a leak in the fuel system. Get it in for service sooner than later. Tom
Thanks Tom. I called the dealer and just as I suspect they are already placing the blame on the car owner for this problem. He says that if you try to cap off your fuel tank when fueling the excess gas will leak out of the bag and into the hard tank causing problems that require the fuel bag/tank to be replaced. I am going to read my manual thoroughly tonight and try to get a code reader on it as well. Is there any special way to read codes on this thing or is just like any other car? My father is a fairly good mechanic just not the prius type. I guess im in for broke now with the dealer I'm sure they charge premium for this. I was hoping to find a way to get this fixed under warrenty. Thanks again, Lou Anyone else hear anything about this?
The fuel tank contains a bladder to reduce evaporative emissions. With severe overfilling, it is possible to get fuel through the vent system to the wrong side of the bladder. The Prius will throw a code for this condition. Unfortunately the fix for this is to replace the fuel tank assembly. As for reading Prius codes, it works like any other modern car, with the exception that many of the hybrid codes can only be read with a special Toyota tool. If you want advice, have you dealer pull the codes, and then post them here. Here is a list of search results from PriusChat that relate to this issue: Google Tom
Again thank you. That forum was very informative. My only question now is what is the worst that can happen if I just continue to run it how it is. From what I read on the forum, it can damage some components but I'm unsure of what exactly. I guess what I am looking for is worst case scenario as well as most likely scenario. Also, will cutting away the plastic seal around the fuel cap help anything? Thanks.
FWIW, cutting the seal around the fuel cap could be considered tampering with a vehicle emission control device, which is a federal offense. I'm not convinced you have an overfill situation.
worst case would be that a dangerous level of fuel vapor could mix with air and find an ignition source. A fuel leak is not something to ignore it can start a fire.
The second problem is related to the first. This is good news, because the presence of the master warning light shows that a DTC has been logged which will make it easier to determine what the problem is. Opening a seal will not help - if anything that will further promote the spread of fuel vapors. The worst that can happen is that your family's health will be adversely affected and your car will catch on fire. I don't think you have to worry about damaging more fuel system components - you have to worry about damaging the health of whoever is in the car. This is a significant safety issue that must not be ignored. Absolutely.
Ok so I win the Darwin award for prius owners this month. As much as I hate to admit (smacks self in head) after 100's of oil changes I finally left the cap off the oil somehow or it came loose. I do remember we had a tornado producing storm and it was hailing on me so i was rushing to finish this about 3 weeks ago. I ended up leaving the next day for a couple weeks on business and noticed this week it was running funny and had the smell. Now I know why. lol I feel about 1cm tall right now. Politburo, I guess you right after all. This is definitely not an overfill situation. I popped the hood with my wife right next to me and I said "oh there's the problem". She looked at me said "wow" and just laughed at me. Now I need to clean the engine because it's covered in oil. I'm pretty good with conventional cars but these things baffle me. So after you guys ridicule/laugh/point/ ect. LOL Can you please tell me the best way to clean the oil under the hood and chasis. I was thinking a can of engine cleaner and hose but not sure if that's such a good idea. Also, do I have anything to worry about since I drove this thing a couple hundred miles. No check engine light came on. It did seem to struggle a bit at times but for the most part performed well. I was short about a 1.5 quarts but thank god I run full synthetic. i think that saved my engine. Right now the wife is picking me up some new oil and a new cap (lost the old one) and I will do a change when she comes back. Thanks for all your help and all the wasted advice. But I did learn a few things from your replies none the less.
OK, its good that you figured out the source of the hydrocarbon smell. You can use engine cleaner and water. However I recommend that you avoid getting the top of the engine valve cover wet, where the four spark igniters reside. Although they have rubber O-rings, those do not form a very good seal and water can seep down into the spark plug wells. This will eventually cause ignition misfire. Also I recommend that you don't apply high water pressure upon any electrical connector. To clean the valve cover, you could use a paper towel moistened in paint thinner or kerosene, and wipe off the accumulated oil. I think that the range from the top dimple on the dipstick down to the lower dimple is ~1.7 quarts. So if you were low 2 quarts and started from a full crankcase, that should not cause lasting damage.
I was considering it. I did have the most rugged one you can buy in there. but for 7.00-10.00 its better safe then sorry I guess. thanks everyone. I'm off to get greasy.
First thanks for fessing up on the fuel odor source, we are all human and make mistakes and can learn from others. I just wanted to add that I had my engine code read at a local Autozone before I invested in a Scanguage--so if you or others have a problem there may be a quick local and free source to go to.
llbradfam, better to look foolish here than at the dealer--cheaper too. Just proves: Always check the stupid stuff first.
I own a scanner but I also use autozone when I'm out and about and want to stop by and read a code if one pop ups. I actually stopped by there yesterday on my way home from work. But they can only read problems associated with a check engine light on hybrids. (so they tell me)
Yes, this is generally true. A check engine light implies that the engine ECU logged a DTC, and a generic OBD-II scanner probably can read those codes. If other ECUs (such as the hybrid vehicle, traction battery, skid control, etc.) log DTC, a generic scanner probably will not report those codes. Did you manage to refill the crankcase and get your engine compartment cleaned up? Any other problems?
No one here will beat you up for this. You made an honest mistake, and you owned up to it. We all do knuckle headed things from time to time. Tom
Absolutely. I've done two, but never the same one twice. 1. Changing my oil. Forgot to put the oil drain plug in before refilling. 2 quarts later I had a nice oiled driveway. 2. Didn't check to see if the oil filter gasket had come off when the used oil filter was removed. 2 gaskets on a new filter doesn't work well. The second one was on my mom's car. She took it to a mechanic before calling me. His comment was "Just about everyone does it, but only once." He's right.
Just to clarify for my personal curiosity.. I thought only the CEL/MIL guarantees that a code was set, not the master warning (red triangle). For example, master warning will come on if you open the door while in drive (but not reverse). Surely that doesn't set a code...