Hi all! I'm new to the Prius boards . I'm looking into getting a gen2 base model for a DD and had a few questions. I did a search and it didn't bring anything up on the idea that I had. Maybe I'm just not searching the right terms. Anyways, I read through some threads on possible converting a Non-nav version to Nav and it's just out of the question. So I'm wondering if I can use the OEM screen in conjunction with a carpc to add navigation and BT access for my phone? And then would I be able to use a crossover unit to convert the analog signal to a digital one to run to some amps for new comps and possible a small 8" or 10" woofer in the trunk. Would either of these be possible to do without interfering with the hybrid technology? I have experience working with some electronics and etc since I modified my previous car a lot. I got bit by the mod bug pretty hard so I'm hoping I can mod this car a little bit until I can save up the cash to pick up a fun car haha. If anyone is interested, this was my previous ownership that I got into an accident with coming home from a camping trip
I'm also interested in finding out why there is so much difference between the Nav and non-Nav cars, and when did the MFD go from analog to digital. How do we find out if we have digital or analog screens? Is it NAV dependent?
I too am interested... I recently purchased an '04, non-nav, non-jbl Prius, and was looking into possibly integrating nav but would really like to get an iphone/itouch to play music, and show videos on the factory mfd. As a bonus, I would like to use the touchscreen on the mfd to control the music, or at least use the steering wheel controls to control the volume and/or music selections. Is this possible? and if so, how?