Driving home tonight I noticed a burning smell. Now the car is in the garage and it is so strong that my wife came downstairs to ask what was burning. Anyone else know of a problem like this? I'll take it into the dealer tomorrow morning.
if it smells like it's burning I wouldn't park it in the garage till I found out what was causing the odor.
[Marty is checking to see if all the parts of the time machine are working before he takes off] Marty McFly: ...Flux-capacitor... fluxing...
Do you smell it more inside the car or outside? You might want to check around in the wheel wells and outside/under the car in case a shopping bag or some other road debris got up there and some friction caused it to burn.
If it is inside, check to see that the back, behind the passenger, seat is clicked all the way into position. That vent right next to it leads to the hybrid battery and if you cover it up it will over heat. Hope you find it. Brian
My 2004 had an odor for the first week or so. I never did figure out what component(s) was responsible for that. And I have a heightened sense of Prius awareness, having driven one for over 3 years before that. It was obviously part of initial break-in.
I had the same experience as John. I wouldn't classify the odor level as being extremely high, but it *was* enough that I was a bit concerned. However it went away a few days later so I figured it was just part of the break in process. -- Dave
:lol: Ah, yes -- who can forget the distinct smell you get when you toss an entire stale Domino's pizza into the Prius' Mr. Fusion converter... :mrgreen:
OK I found out the problem. Parts of a new engine are coated with something called cosmoline. It gradually burns off and the smell goes away. For some reason the smell was particularly strong last night but it isn't a problem. Whew!
YOU LET IT BURN OFF???!!!??? Man, You crazy! I got seriously high on that stuff and my glaucoma is gone forever. What a waste....! Glad you baby is normal, now. Go forth and drive much... Bob
International dealerships cover the cars is cosmoline before they go on the boats to protect them from the salt on the trip. Usually the port removes all of it, but I guess in your case they did not. Glad it turned out to be nothing!
Thanks for posting the answer! This is just the sort of thing I can picture happening the first night I bring home my Prius (at some day in the far future)... Leading to much wailing and gnashing of teeth.