I was hoping that I may get a discount on my insurance for having the pre-collision system in my 2010... Well after getting my car yesterday and contacting the insurance I was told they have no code for a discount in their system for the radar based pre collision system. Does anyone else who may have a Prius V with AT know if they got a discount for it? I have AIG, well now it's 21st century... Thanks
I have an Infiniti EX and it has the same pre-collision system and the other safety features, along with Infiniti exclusive around view monitors, and my insurance company gives no specific discount for this feature. I live in NJ and use NJ Manufactures insurance. I pay about $850 a year for full coverage for that car which was valued at about $50K new so I think it's cheap. This price could be because of all the safety features but they don't itemize each feature. I also have home owners insurance with them and get additional discounts on auto insurance.
I also have 21st century insurance. I called to insure my 2010 Prius and remove my 2005 Toyota Tacoma and my premiium went up $200 per 6 month term I have a perfect record with no tickets so it looks like i'll be shopping for another insurance company.
New car, more expensive body parts to fix so a little increase is normal but $400 a year is a lot. I would shop for insurance quotes.
Feels as if I went through a time warp. $400 / year a lot for car insurance? I have a perfect record as well and the new Prius will be $820 / year - Progressive. Outside of Orlando FL, not in urban area. $400 sounds like a steal - in CA and NJ? Whoops - misread - you meant RAISED $400 / year.... Must be close to bedtime.... Or that beer at 6PM finally hit home.
i had a 2009 prius and when i changed over to the 2010 prius my premium went down about $10 every six months. it is better than nothing. i thought it was going to go up.
I insure my 04 Prius with Amex (though they call themselves something else nowadays). High liability, $1000 deductible on collision, no other options and a clean record is about $450 a year for a quiet suburb in New Mexico.
Blech. I live in the most expensive part of the country for car insurance. Katrina inundated the insurance carriers with claims and caused rates to skyrocket. For my '06 Mustang GT and '05 Prius, I pay $315... A MONTH!
Thanks everyone for the replies. Thus far they have only given me how much I will owe since I am some time into my current 6 month policy but it seems it'll be more expensive for the 2010, which I expected. Somewhere around $800-$850 for 6 months. But I do live within NYC in one ofthe 5 boros so we do pay quite a bit here...
Paradox, FWIW, I live in Manhattan and pay $446 for 6 months with GEICO for the following coverages on my 2007 Prius: Coverages Bodily Injury Liability Each Person/Occurrence: $500,000/$500,000 Property Damage Liability: $100,000 Residual Medical Payments: $10,000 Basic Personal Injury Protection: OPT-B/50,000/2,000WL Additional Personal Injury Protection: $50,000/$2,000 WL Supplementary Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Each Person/Each Occurrence: $100,000/$300,000 Comprehensive: $500 DED/FULL GLASS Collision: $500 DED No-Fault Benefits Mandatory Personal Injury: $50,000 Additional Personal Injury: $50,000 Aggregate No-Fault Beneifits: $100,000 ($200 DED) NOTE: MY STATED ANNUAL DRIVING MILEAGE IS 5000 MILES FOR LEISURE
I'm 23 and I hit a jack that fell off of someone's car on the interstate (in my Gen1.) Well, I made the dumb mistake to claim it on the insurance and it counted as an at fault accident. My insurance on my '06gen2 was roughly $750 and my bmw is $850. I'm thinking it's likely to be about the same for the gen3 as my bmw. I want to see if they have new car replacement. I would like to add that I switched to "Country Mutual" because they quoted me $700. The closest I could get was an $1,100. When I bought my first car, I went to State Farm where my parents went and they wanted $1,400. These are all for 6 months...
Hey folks, I live in the San Francisco area of CA and when switching my car insurance (AAA) from the 2007 TCH to 2010 Prius, my rates went down about $10 a month. Having said that, I asked for and have been paying for a lower deductible and higher coverages.....so I pay about $1000 a year. I know that's pricey and could get it down to about $600 a year, but I'd rather have the peace of mind that I don't have to pay much if I'm in an accident or have to get a repair......and let me just tell you, I moved here from eastern WA state 3.5 years ago, and since moving here (I had never been in an accident in 38 years) my car was hit on average once a year, and that doesn't count dings from people and their doors. I also had squirrels eat the rubber lining of my moonroof and insurance covered it for $100 and replaced everything. When talking with the agent last week to switch, they didn't have specific codes, but she gave me the maximum discount after I described the ATP, GPS, etc.
If you think about it, if you're going to crash you're going to crash and the insurance company will pay either way so no discount
I am insured by AAA Automobile Club of Southern California. My yearly premium on my 2010 Prius V w/AT package is $1,308. It may go up a few dollars when it is renew in October 2009. It is broken down as following: Bodily Injury 50,000 each person/$100,000 each occurrence ...$192 Property Damage $50,000 each occurrence...........................$170 Medical Payments $10,000 each person................................$ 35 Comprehensive ACV less $100 deductible..............................$ 48 Collission ACV less $250 deductible......................................$837 Uninsured Motorist Bodily injury $50,000 each person/$100,000 each accident.......$ 28 Total Premium.................................................................$1308
If you were willing to up your deductible to $500, I imagine you'd save quite a bit on your premium. It isn't for everyone, but it is one place to save some dollars. Perhaps in an urban area like SoCal, though, collision coverage always will be pricey.
I pay about $310 for six months. My 2001 New Beetle was $280 per six months. And this for Northern Virginai. Steve
My Farmer's insurance agent confirmed no discount for my V with AT package with precollision system. He also added that the only discount he was aware of was for LoJack (especially with the recovery option) and VIN etching on windows. I passed up the LoJack last weekend from the dealer's finance department for $599 (basic LoJack) but still not sure it is worth it.
I noticed my Progressive didn't bother to ask me which package of the 2010 Prius I own, they were charging the same rate for a Package II or the Package V with ATP and all the bells and whistles. So looks like the actual cost of the car didn't matter to them, even if there is a $10,000 difference between the low and high end packages. They didn't care if my car had the Pre collision system or not. In fairness, since the pre collision system doesn't really avoid a crash, it will still cost money on a claim when there is an accident. Therefore the insurance companies don't see it as a money saver to them, so no discount.