i like my ipod2car interface, but my biggest complaint was the low volume level. switching between radio & ipod could blast you out of your seat and i had to jack the voume up near 50 to get a car full of sound. no longer. i wrote peripheral expecting some lame "that's the way it is" reply...but instead got a simple, honest solution. on the ipod2car are a series of DIP switches that had to be set for the prius. find DIP switch number 6 and move it to the DOWN position. that's it. the box will now pass through more output and the level will be noticeably louder. now all the levels between FM, CD and ipod are more or less the same and i'm a much happier camper. thought i'd pass this along....happy motoring.
Alright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks man, I have the same problem you do, so this is awesome. Thanks for posting, now lower start up volume, and louder freeway music! Thanks again!!!!
Mine did increase in volume, but not quite as much as I would have liked -- it seems like books on tape, etc., have a lower default audio level than music, and controlling the volume in iTunes doesn't seem to do anything for the lineout volume. It did help, though -- thanks for the tip!
Which email address did you contact? I want to know why their compatibility list on the website says "ALL Models Now Including Prius!", but it doesn't work with the 2005 Prius steering wheel & stereo controls.
i've got the base 1 CD AM/FM stereo with steering wheel controls and my ipod2car box works fine. from what i understand, the problem starts when you have the upgraded JBL stereo with an external CD changer or XM module.
FYI: the CD changer in the JBL layout is not external, it is part of the header. That's not to say it isn't identifying itself as CD2, which is what I believe IPod2Car is identifying itself.